Не могу понять как реализовано управление сервоприводаиспользуя ИК сенсоры в демонстрационном примере для AdventureBot
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Ср, 06/03/2013 - 13:24
Здравствуйте. Подскажите пожалуйста как именно происходит управление двигателями на основе ИК сенсора вот в этом исходнике кода. До меня дошло что переменнае pan как раз та переменная на которую и ориентируется сервоприводы. Я уже два дня сижу над этой проблемой но понять всеравно не могу :(
причем тут вообще
if (temp<600) { leftspeed=leftmotorstop-600+temp; rightspeed=rightmotorstop-600+temp; }
и для чего значение 600 нужно ?
//-------------------------------------------------------------Turn body to follow object-------------------------------------------- temp=LRmax-pan; if (temp<600) { leftspeed=leftmotorstop-600+temp; rightspeed=rightmotorstop-600+temp; } temp=pan-LRmin; if (temp<600) { rightspeed=rightmotorstop+600-temp; leftspeed=leftmotorstop+600-temp; }
Вот тут сам листинг для робота:
#include <Servo.h> #include "pitches.h" #include "IO_pins.h" // define constants byte LRscalefactor=6; byte UDscalefactor=6; int distancemax=200; int bestdistance=550; int neckLRcenter=1490; int neckUDcenter=1300; int leftmotorstop=1470; int rightmotorstop=1455; int LRmax=neckLRcenter+700; int LRmin=neckLRcenter-700; int UDmax=neckUDcenter+700; int UDmin=neckUDcenter-200; // define global variables long time; byte boredom; int pan=neckLRcenter; int tilt=neckUDcenter; int panscale; int tiltscale; int leftspeed=leftmotorstop; int rightspeed=rightmotorstop; byte lightchase; byte edge; byte edgesensors; int distance; int temp; int updown; int leftright; int leftIRvalue; int rightIRvalue; int upIRvalue; int downIRvalue; int safedistance=200; int leftfrontsen; int leftrearsen; int rightrearsen; int rightfrontsen; Servo leftmotor; Servo rightmotor; Servo neckleftright; Servo neckupdown; void setup() { // initialize servos and configure pins leftmotor.attach(leftmotorpin); leftmotor.writeMicroseconds(leftmotorstop); rightmotor.attach(rightmotorpin); rightmotor.writeMicroseconds(rightmotorstop); neckleftright.attach(neckleftrightpin); neckleftright.writeMicroseconds(neckLRcenter); neckupdown.attach(neckupdownpin); neckupdown.writeMicroseconds(neckUDcenter); pinMode (IRleds,OUTPUT); pinMode (Speaker,OUTPUT); pinMode (leftfrontLED,OUTPUT); pinMode (leftrearLED,OUTPUT); pinMode (rightrearLED,OUTPUT); pinMode (rightfrontLED,OUTPUT); // play tune on powerup / reset int melody[] = {NOTE_C4,NOTE_G3,NOTE_G3,NOTE_A3,NOTE_G3,0,NOTE_B3,NOTE_C4}; int noteDurations[] = {4,8,8,4,4,4,4,4}; for (byte Note = 0; Note < 8; Note++) { int noteDuration = 1000/noteDurations[Note]; tone(Speaker,melody[Note],noteDuration); int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30; delay(pauseBetweenNotes); } } void loop() { if (millis()-time>249) // has 250mS elapsed (1/4 of a second) { time=millis(); // update time lightchase=lightchase+1-4*(lightchase>3); // change LED pattern every 250mS } leftmotor.writeMicroseconds(leftspeed); // update the speed of the left motor rightmotor.writeMicroseconds(rightspeed); // update the speed of the right motor neckleftright.writeMicroseconds(pan); // update the position of the pan servo neckupdown.writeMicroseconds(tilt); // update the position of the tilt servo IReye(); // read the eye sensors IRfollow(); // move the head and body to follow an object ObjectDetection(); // read corner sensors, turn on corner LEDs and prevent collisions } byte noise; void IReye()//===============================================================Read IR compound eye================================================ { digitalWrite(IRleds,HIGH); // turn on IR LEDs to read TOTAL IR LIGHT (ambient + reflected) delay(2); // Allow time for phototransistors to respond. (may not be needed) leftIRvalue=analogRead(IRleft); // TOTAL IR = AMBIENT IR + LED IR REFLECTED FROM OBJECT rightIRvalue=analogRead(IRright); // TOTAL IR = AMBIENT IR + LED IR REFLECTED FROM OBJECT upIRvalue=analogRead(IRup); // TOTAL IR = AMBIENT IR + LED IR REFLECTED FROM OBJECT downIRvalue=analogRead(IRdown); // TOTAL IR = AMBIENT IR + LED IR REFLECTED FROM OBJECT digitalWrite(IRleds,LOW); // turn off IR LEDs to read AMBIENT IR LIGHT (IR from indoor lighting and sunlight) delay(2); // Allow time for phototransistors to respond. (may not be needed) leftIRvalue=leftIRvalue-analogRead(IRleft); // REFLECTED IR = TOTAL IR - AMBIENT IR rightIRvalue=rightIRvalue-analogRead(IRright); // REFLECTED IR = TOTAL IR - AMBIENT IR upIRvalue=upIRvalue-analogRead(IRup); // REFLECTED IR = TOTAL IR - AMBIENT IR downIRvalue=downIRvalue-analogRead(IRdown); // REFLECTED IR = TOTAL IR - AMBIENT IR distance=(leftIRvalue+rightIRvalue+upIRvalue+downIRvalue)/4;// distance of object is average of reflected IR noise++; // count program loops if(noise>7) { tone(Speaker,distance*5+100,5); // produce sound every eighth loop - high pitch = close distance noise=0; } } void IRfollow ()//==============================================Track object in range================================================================ { leftspeed=leftmotorstop; // start with motors set to a speed of 0 rightspeed=rightmotorstop; if (distance<distancemax) // if there is no object in range { if (pan>neckLRcenter)pan=pan-5; if (pan<neckLRcenter)pan=pan+5; if (tilt>neckUDcenter)tilt=tilt-5; if (tilt<neckUDcenter)tilt=tilt+5; } else { //-------------------------------------------------------------Track object with head------------------------------------------------ panscale=(leftIRvalue+rightIRvalue)/LRscalefactor; tiltscale=(upIRvalue+downIRvalue)/UDscalefactor; if (leftIRvalue>rightIRvalue) { leftright=(leftIRvalue-rightIRvalue)*5/panscale; pan=pan-leftright; } if (leftIRvalue<rightIRvalue) { leftright=(rightIRvalue-leftIRvalue)*5/panscale; pan=pan+leftright; } if (upIRvalue>downIRvalue) { updown=(upIRvalue-downIRvalue)*5/tiltscale; tilt=tilt-updown; } if (downIRvalue>upIRvalue) { updown=(downIRvalue-upIRvalue)*5/tiltscale; tilt=tilt+updown; } constrain(pan,LRmin,LRmax); constrain(tilt,UDmin,UDmax); //-------------------------------------------------------------Turn body to follow object-------------------------------------------- temp=LRmax-pan; if (temp<600) { leftspeed=leftmotorstop-600+temp; rightspeed=rightmotorstop-600+temp; } temp=pan-LRmin; if (temp<600) { rightspeed=rightmotorstop+600-temp; leftspeed=leftmotorstop+600-temp; } //------------------------------------------------------Move forward or backward to follow object------------------------------------ temp=distance-bestdistance; temp=abs(temp); if (temp>10) { temp=temp-10; if (distance>bestdistance) { rightspeed=rightspeed-temp; leftspeed=leftspeed+temp; } else { rightspeed=rightspeed+temp; leftspeed=leftspeed-temp; } } } } //============================================================Avoid hitting objects================================================== void ObjectDetection() { //turn on edge detection LEDs digitalWrite(leftfrontLED,1); digitalWrite(leftrearLED,1); digitalWrite(rightrearLED,1); digitalWrite(rightfrontLED,1); // read total IR values leftfrontsen=analogRead(leftfrontsenpin); leftrearsen=analogRead(leftrearsenpin); rightrearsen=analogRead(rightrearsenpin); rightfrontsen=analogRead(rightfrontsenpin); // turn off edge detection LEDs digitalWrite(leftfrontLED,0); digitalWrite(leftrearLED,0); digitalWrite(rightrearLED,0); digitalWrite(rightfrontLED,0); // subtract ambient IR from total IR to give reflected IR values leftfrontsen=leftfrontsen-analogRead(leftfrontsenpin); leftrearsen=leftrearsen-analogRead(leftrearsenpin); rightrearsen=rightrearsen-analogRead(rightrearsenpin); rightfrontsen=rightfrontsen-analogRead(rightfrontsenpin); // turn on indicator LED if object closer than safe distance otherwise chase LEDs digitalWrite(leftfrontLED,(lightchase==1 || leftfrontsen>safedistance)); digitalWrite(leftrearLED,(lightchase==2 || leftrearsen>safedistance)); digitalWrite(rightrearLED,(lightchase==3 || rightrearsen>safedistance)); digitalWrite(rightfrontLED,(lightchase==4 || rightfrontsen>safedistance)); // Adjust motor speeds to avoid collision if (leftfrontsen>safedistance && leftspeed<leftmotorstop) leftspeed=leftmotorstop; if (leftrearsen>safedistance && leftspeed>leftmotorstop) leftspeed=leftmotorstop; if (rightrearsen>safedistance && rightspeed<rightmotorstop) rightspeed=rightmotorstop; if (rightfrontsen>safedistance && rightspeed>rightmotorstop) rightspeed=rightmotorstop; }