mt8870 плюс про мини, частые пропуски

Зарегистрирован: 27.06.2017


//Here's the code
/*  Induino R3 User Guide - Program 14.1 - DTMF Based Secure Control
The User presses a 4 digit password. If the Password matches to a set password (set in the program) then the user is logged in.
An LED on the 11th pin indicates the Log in state. Once Logged in the User can switch On / Off a device connected to Pin 13 pressing '1' for On 
and '0' for Off. When Logged in Pressing '#' logs the user out. The state of the 13th pin will not be affected when the user logs out
The 4 digit password has to be entered within 5 seconds of entering the the first digit if not, the count is reset to the first
digit and the user has to start again.
The user can reset the count mid-way through entering a password by pressing '#' key
Reset is indicated by the led on the 12th pin.
int val=0;// A variable to store the value calculated based on the binary inputs q1 to q4
const int set_pass[]={1,2,3,4}; // The DTMF Value for 4 Digits of Password [Remember in DTMF Values 0 => 10, * =>11 & #=> 12]
int recvd_pass[4]; // a variable to store the password received
boolean login_flag = 0; // a flag variable to store the log in status of the user
int count = 0; // a variable to count the number of digits entered
long int first_press_time = 0; // a variable to store the time from the first button press
void setup()
  pinMode(2,INPUT); // Steered delay Pin (INT 0)
  pinMode(3,INPUT); // q1
  pinMode(4,INPUT); // q2
  pinMode(5,INPUT); // q3
  pinMode(6,INPUT); // q4
  attachInterrupt(0,dtmf,RISING); // Enable the Interrupt Pin, associate it with the ISR dtmf and configure it to trigger on a RISING interrupt
  Serial.begin(57600); // Enable Serial Communication for debugging
  pinMode(11,OUTPUT); // LED for login indication
  pinMode(12,OUTPUT); // LED for Reset indication
  pinMode(13,OUTPUT); // LED for controlling
void loop()
  // If there is a new value received print it to serial monitor for debugging
  // Check for Reset Conditions - Either time from first press is more than 5 seconds or the user has pressed the '#' key in the logged out mode
  if((count>0 && (millis()-first_press_time)>10000)||(login_flag==0 && val==12))
    count = 0; // reset count
    Serial.println("RESET"); // print reset message
    val = 0; // reset val to '0' as so that we can distinguish when a new value is received.
    digitalWrite(12,HIGH); // led indication for reset
  //Get four digit input to check for login, ensure that the user is not already logged in and that 4 digits have not been input already.
  if(login_flag==0 && count< 4 && val>0)
    recvd_pass[count] = val; // store the value into an array for comparing once all the 4 digits are received
    val = 0; // reset val to '0' as so that we can distinguish when a new value is received.
    if(count==0) // if this is the first key press then store the time for calculating time out
      first_press_time = millis();
    count++; // increment count 
    Serial.print("Count : ");Serial.println(count); // print count value for debug
    if(count==4) // if count is 4, then we need to match the password received to the passwors stored
      if(recvd_pass[0]==set_pass[0] && recvd_pass[1]==set_pass[1] && recvd_pass[2]==set_pass[2] && recvd_pass[3]==set_pass[3]) // check if passwords match
        login_flag = 1; // if matched set the login flag
        digitalWrite(11,HIGH); // and turn on the indication led
        digitalWrite(12,HIGH); // if passwords dont match, show the reset indication
      count = 0;// on reaching 4, count has to be reset to 0
// logged in activities
  if(login_flag==1) // if the user is logged in then the keys pressed are treated differently
    switch(val) // check which key is pressed
      case 1: digitalWrite(13,HIGH); break; // turn on the 13th pin led when '1' is pressed
      case 10: digitalWrite(13,LOW); break;// turn off the 13th pin led when '0' is pressed
      case 2: digitalWrite(9,HIGH); break; // turn on the 13th pin led when '1' is pressed
      case 4: digitalWrite(9,LOW); break;// turn off the 13th pin led when '0' is pressed
      case 12: digitalWrite(11,LOW); login_flag=0; break; // Log out the user, set the login flag to false and turn off the login status led
    val = 0; // reset val to '0'
  void dtmf() // the ISR - this function is called everytime a RISING interrupt occurs on PIN 2 (INT 0)
    for(int i=0;i<4;i++) // Once we receive an Interrupt, we need to read each of q1 to q4, with q1 being the LSB and q4 the MSB
      if(digitalRead(i+3)==1)// check if the pin is 1 or 0, if 1 then we need to process for binary to decimal conversion
        val = val + (1<<i); // Binary to decimal conversion
Решил на основе этого кода сделать управление поливом на даче. Но при работе часто, на MT8870, двоичный код на выходах присутствует, а про мини включает светодиды через раз. Куда копать? Уменьшить сопротивление на входе в MT8870 или найти другой код для определения двоичного кода на входах? Или еще что посоветуете? В кодировании не сильно силен.


Зарегистрирован: 27.06.2017

Очень хочется получитьответ от пользователя dimax

Tomasina аватар
Зарегистрирован: 09.03.2013

dimax не захочет помогать тем, кто даже код не в состоянии оформить правильно ;)

Зарегистрирован: 27.06.2017
//Here's the code
/*  Induino R3 User Guide - Program 14.1 - DTMF Based Secure Control
The User presses a 4 digit password. If the Password matches to a set password (set in the program) then the user is logged in.
An LED on the 11th pin indicates the Log in state. Once Logged in the User can switch On / Off a device connected to Pin 13 pressing '1' for On 
and '0' for Off. When Logged in Pressing '#' logs the user out. The state of the 13th pin will not be affected when the user logs out
The 4 digit password has to be entered within 5 seconds of entering the the first digit if not, the count is reset to the first
digit and the user has to start again.
The user can reset the count mid-way through entering a password by pressing '#' key
Reset is indicated by the led on the 12th pin.
int val=0;// A variable to store the value calculated based on the binary inputs q1 to q4
const int set_pass[]={1,2,3,4}; // The DTMF Value for 4 Digits of Password [Remember in DTMF Values 0 => 10, * =>11 & #=> 12]
int recvd_pass[4]; // a variable to store the password received
boolean login_flag = 0; // a flag variable to store the log in status of the user
int count = 0; // a variable to count the number of digits entered
long int first_press_time = 0; // a variable to store the time from the first button press
void setup()
  pinMode(2,INPUT); // Steered delay Pin (INT 0)
  pinMode(3,INPUT); // q1
  pinMode(4,INPUT); // q2
  pinMode(5,INPUT); // q3
  pinMode(6,INPUT); // q4
  attachInterrupt(0,dtmf,RISING); // Enable the Interrupt Pin, associate it with the ISR dtmf and configure it to trigger on a RISING interrupt
  Serial.begin(57600); // Enable Serial Communication for debugging
  pinMode(11,OUTPUT); // LED for login indication
  pinMode(12,OUTPUT); // LED for Reset indication
  pinMode(13,OUTPUT); // LED for controlling
void loop()
  // If there is a new value received print it to serial monitor for debugging
  // Check for Reset Conditions - Either time from first press is more than 5 seconds or the user has pressed the '#' key in the logged out mode
  if((count>0 && (millis()-first_press_time)>10000)||(login_flag==0 && val==12))
    count = 0; // reset count
    Serial.println("RESET"); // print reset message
    val = 0; // reset val to '0' as so that we can distinguish when a new value is received.
    digitalWrite(12,HIGH); // led indication for reset
  //Get four digit input to check for login, ensure that the user is not already logged in and that 4 digits have not been input already.
  if(login_flag==0 && count< 4 && val>0)
    recvd_pass[count] = val; // store the value into an array for comparing once all the 4 digits are received
    val = 0; // reset val to '0' as so that we can distinguish when a new value is received.
    if(count==0) // if this is the first key press then store the time for calculating time out
      first_press_time = millis();
    count++; // increment count 
    Serial.print("Count : ");Serial.println(count); // print count value for debug
    if(count==4) // if count is 4, then we need to match the password received to the passwors stored
      if(recvd_pass[0]==set_pass[0] && recvd_pass[1]==set_pass[1] && recvd_pass[2]==set_pass[2] && recvd_pass[3]==set_pass[3]) // check if passwords match
        login_flag = 1; // if matched set the login flag
        digitalWrite(11,HIGH); // and turn on the indication led
        digitalWrite(12,HIGH); // if passwords dont match, show the reset indication
      count = 0;// on reaching 4, count has to be reset to 0
// logged in activities
  if(login_flag==1) // if the user is logged in then the keys pressed are treated differently
    switch(val) // check which key is pressed
      case 1: digitalWrite(13,HIGH); break; // turn on the 13th pin led when '1' is pressed
      case 10: digitalWrite(13,LOW); break;// turn off the 13th pin led when '0' is pressed
      case 2: digitalWrite(9,HIGH); break; // turn on the 13th pin led when '1' is pressed
      case 4: digitalWrite(9,LOW); break;// turn off the 13th pin led when '0' is pressed
      case 12: digitalWrite(11,LOW); login_flag=0; break; // Log out the user, set the login flag to false and turn off the login status led
    val = 0; // reset val to '0'
  void dtmf() // the ISR - this function is called everytime a RISING interrupt occurs on PIN 2 (INT 0)
    for(int i=0;i<4;i++) // Once we receive an Interrupt, we need to read each of q1 to q4, with q1 being the LSB and q4 the MSB
      if(digitalRead(i+3)==1)// check if the pin is 1 or 0, if 1 then we need to process for binary to decimal conversion
        val = val + (1<<i); // Binary to decimal conversion