Беспроводное управление фокусом кинообъектива! Проблема.
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Пт, 20/02/2015 - 19:17
Привет всем! Собрал готовый проект по управлению фокусировкой объектива!
В проекте используется moteino r4 с транссиверами rfm69hw на частоте 433mhz
Как я полагаю проблема заключается в том что не устанавливается связь между радиомодулями!
Т.к проверка с тестовым кодом показывает что радиомодули рабочие и связь есть!
Так же проверка с тестовым кодом показывает что moteino оптический энкодер шд и драйвер рабочие.
Остается разобраться в коде. Буду очень признателен за помощь! С предложениями и условиями shahf2d@mail.ru
Прилагаю код проекта!
001 | /////////////////////// |
002 | //Moteino FF Sender // |
003 | /////////////////////// |
004 |
005 |
006 |
007 | #include <SPI.h> |
008 | #include <RFM69.h> |
009 | #include <avr/sleep.h> |
010 | #include <OneButton.h> |
011 |
012 |
013 | // You will need to initialize the radio by telling it what ID it has and what network it's on |
014 | // The NodeID takes values from 1-127, 0 is reserved for sending broadcast messages (send to all nodes) |
015 | // The Network ID takes values from 0-255 |
016 | // By default the SPI-SS line used is D10 on Atmega328. You can change it by calling .SetCS(pin) where pin can be {8,9,10} |
017 | #define NODEID 15 //network ID used for this unit |
018 | #define NETWORKID 99 //the network ID we are on |
019 | #define GATEWAYID 16 //the node ID we're sending to |
020 | //#define ACK_TIME 50 // # of ms to wait for an ack |
021 |
022 |
023 |
024 | //int interPacketDelay = 1000; //wait this many ms between sending packets |
025 | char input = 0; |
026 | int data = 0; |
027 |
028 | // Need an instance of the Radio Module |
029 | RFM69 radio; |
030 | byte sendSize=0; |
031 | char payload[] = "1234567890:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ; |
032 | bool requestACK= false ; |
033 |
034 | // Setup OneButton |
035 | OneButton playButton (A1, true ); |
036 | OneButton outButton (A2, true ); |
037 | OneButton inButton (A3, true ); |
038 | OneButton realTimebutton(A4, true ); |
039 |
040 | //LEDs |
041 | #define playLED 5 //PLay LED |
042 | #define outLED 6 //Out LED |
043 | #define inLED 7 //In LED |
044 | #define realTimeLED 8 //Real Time LED |
045 |
046 | //Values for focus points |
047 | volatile int inPoint = 0; |
048 | volatile int outPoint = 3000; |
049 |
050 | //Blink without delay |
051 | boolean ledState = LOW; |
052 | long previousMillis = 0; |
053 | int ledInterval = 75; |
054 |
055 | //Defining booleans |
056 | boolean rClickedOnce = false ; |
057 | boolean rLongPress = false ; |
058 | boolean pClickedOnce = false ; |
059 | boolean highEndMark = false ; |
060 | boolean lowEndMark = false ; |
061 |
062 | //Value to recieve from 2nd Xbee: when "play" or "rewind" has finished" |
063 | int sum; |
064 | int a; |
065 |
066 | //Modes |
067 | int mode; |
068 | #define Stop 1 |
069 | #define LENSCALIB 2 |
070 |
071 | int encoder0PinA = 4; |
072 | int encoder0PinB = 3; |
073 | int encoderValue = 0; |
074 | int encoder0PinALast = LOW; |
075 | int n = LOW; |
076 |
077 | void setup () { |
078 | pinMode (encoder0PinA,INPUT); |
079 | pinMode (encoder0PinB,INPUT); |
080 |
081 | pinMode (realTimeLED, OUTPUT); |
082 | pinMode (playLED, OUTPUT); |
083 | pinMode (inLED, OUTPUT); |
084 | pinMode (outLED, OUTPUT); |
085 |
086 | radio.initialize(NODEID, RF69_433MHZ, NETWORKID); |
087 |
088 | radio.sleep(); //sleep right away to save power |
089 |
090 | //Attach Click to Buttons |
091 | realTimebutton.attachClick(Click); |
092 | playButton.attachClick(ClickPlay); |
093 | inButton.attachClick(ClickIn); |
094 | outButton.attachClick(ClickOut); |
095 |
096 | //Attach Press to Real Time for calibrating lens and motor |
097 | realTimebutton.attachPress(rPress); |
098 |
099 | //Start Up Light |
100 | for ( int x=0;x<3;x++) |
101 | { |
102 | for ( int l=5;l<9;l++) |
103 | { |
104 | digitalWrite(l,HIGH); |
105 | delay (100); |
106 | digitalWrite(l,LOW); |
107 | delay (100); |
108 | } |
109 | } |
110 | } |
111 |
112 | void loop () { |
113 |
114 | n = digitalRead(encoder0PinA); |
115 | if ((encoder0PinALast == LOW) && (n == HIGH)) { |
116 | if (digitalRead(encoder0PinB) == LOW) { |
117 | encoderValue--; |
118 | Transmit(1); |
119 | } |
120 | else { |
121 | encoderValue++; |
122 | Transmit(2); |
123 | } |
124 | } |
125 | encoder0PinALast = n; |
126 |
127 | // keep watching the push buttons: |
128 | realTimebutton.tick(); |
129 | playButton.tick(); |
130 | inButton.tick(); |
131 | outButton.tick(); |
132 |
133 | // filter signal from stepper motor |
134 | //arduino when(play/rewind/In/Out) is done. |
135 | if (radio.receiveDone()) |
136 | { |
137 | |
138 | { |
139 | sum = 0; |
140 | for ( byte i = 0; i < radio.DATALEN; i++) |
141 | { |
142 | a = (radio.DATA[i]); |
143 | } |
144 | sum+=a; |
145 | dataSort (); |
146 | } |
147 | } |
148 |
149 | switch (mode) |
150 | { |
151 |
152 | case LENSCALIB: |
153 | { |
154 | blinkFunction (realTimeLED); |
155 |
156 | if (lowEndMark == true && highEndMark == true ||rClickedOnce == true || pClickedOnce == true ) |
157 | { |
158 | rLongPress = false ; |
159 | digitalWrite (realTimeLED, LOW); |
160 | if (rClickedOnce == true ) |
161 | digitalWrite(realTimeLED, HIGH); |
162 | if (pClickedOnce == true ) |
163 | digitalWrite (playLED, HIGH); |
164 | mode = Stop; |
165 | break ; |
166 | } |
167 | } |
168 | } |
169 | } |
170 |
171 | //4 Buttons Click Functions |
172 |
173 | //Real Time Switch |
174 | void Click() { |
175 | digitalWrite(playLED, LOW); |
176 | rLongPress = false ; |
177 | if (rClickedOnce == false ) |
178 | { |
179 | rClickedOnce = true ; |
180 | digitalWrite(realTimeLED, HIGH); |
181 | Transmit(3); |
182 | } |
183 | else |
184 | { |
185 | digitalWrite(realTimeLED, LOW); |
186 | rClickedOnce = false ; |
187 | } |
188 | } |
189 | // Press Function - calibrating lens and stepper |
190 |
191 | void rPress() { |
192 | if (rLongPress == false ) { |
193 | rLongPress = true ; |
194 | rClickedOnce = false ; |
195 | highEndMark = false ; |
196 | lowEndMark = false ; |
197 | Transmit(4); |
198 | mode = LENSCALIB; |
199 | } |
200 | else |
201 | { |
202 | rLongPress = false ; |
203 | digitalWrite(realTimeLED, LOW); |
204 | mode = Stop; |
205 | } |
206 | } |
207 |
208 | //Play Switch |
209 | void ClickPlay () { |
210 | //terminate realtime in case it wasn't stopped |
211 | if (pClickedOnce == false ) |
212 | { |
213 | pClickedOnce = true ; |
214 | rClickedOnce = false ; |
215 | digitalWrite(realTimeLED, LOW); |
216 | digitalWrite(playLED, HIGH); |
217 | |
218 | radio.send(GATEWAYID, payload, sendSize+(5)); |
219 | radio.sleep(); |
220 | } |
221 | else |
222 | { |
223 | pClickedOnce = false ; |
224 | digitalWrite(playLED, LOW); |
225 | } |
226 | } |
227 |
228 | //In Switch |
229 | void ClickIn () { |
230 | // Saving In |
231 | if (rClickedOnce == true ) |
232 | { |
233 | inPoint = encoderValue; |
234 | Transmit(6); |
235 | } |
236 | else if (rLongPress == true ) |
237 | { |
238 | lowEndMark = true ; |
239 | Transmit(8); |
240 | } |
241 | } |
242 |
243 | //Out Switch |
244 | void ClickOut() { |
245 | //Saving Out |
246 | if (rClickedOnce == true ) |
247 | { |
248 | Transmit(7); |
249 | outPoint = encoderValue; |
250 | } |
251 | else if (rLongPress == true ) |
252 | { |
253 | highEndMark = true ; |
254 | Transmit(9); |
255 | } |
256 | } |
257 | int blinkFunction ( int y) // Blink without delay |
258 | { |
259 | unsigned long currentMillis = millis (); |
260 | if (currentMillis - previousMillis>ledInterval) |
261 | { |
262 | previousMillis = currentMillis; |
263 | if (ledState == LOW) |
264 | ledState = HIGH; |
265 | else |
266 | ledState = LOW; |
267 | digitalWrite (y, ledState); |
268 | } |
269 | } |
270 |
271 | int blinkMark ( int y) |
272 | { |
273 | boolean b = HIGH; |
274 | for ( int i=0;i<6;i++) |
275 | { |
276 | digitalWrite(y, b); |
277 | delay(75); |
278 | b=!b; |
279 | } |
280 | } |
281 |
282 | int Transmit ( int data) |
283 | { |
284 | //1.Send encoder value to move stepper |
285 | if (rClickedOnce == true ||rLongPress == true ) |
286 | { |
287 | |
288 | radio.send(GATEWAYID, payload, sendSize+(data)); |
289 | radio.sleep(); |
290 | } |
291 |
292 | else if (pClickedOnce == false ) |
293 | { |
294 | //2. Send speed value to move stepper |
295 | |
296 | radio.send(GATEWAYID, payload, sendSize+(data+10)); |
297 | radio.sleep(); |
298 | } |
299 | } |
300 |
301 | void dataSort () |
302 | { |
303 | if (sum == 49) |
304 | blinkMark(inLED); |
305 |
306 | else if (sum == 50) |
307 | blinkMark (outLED); |
308 |
309 | else if (sum == 51) |
310 | { |
311 | pClickedOnce = false ; |
312 | rClickedOnce = false ; |
313 | digitalWrite (playLED, LOW); |
314 | } |
315 | } |
001 | //////////////////////// |
002 | //Moteino FF Receiver/// |
003 | //////////////////////// |
004 |
005 | #include <SPI.h> |
006 | #include <RFM69.h> |
007 | #include <AccelStepper.h> |
008 | #include <avr/sleep.h> |
009 |
010 | #define FREQUENCY RF69_433MHZ |
011 | #define IS_RFM69HW |
012 |
013 | //encoder/motor/driver setup |
014 | int easyDriverMicroSteps = 1; |
015 | int rotaryEncoderSteps = 100; |
016 | int motorStepsPerRev = 200; |
017 | int MinPulseWidth = 50; //too low and the motor will stall, too high and it will slow it down |
018 |
019 | int easyDriverStepPin = 15; |
020 | int easyDriverDirPin = 16; |
021 | int enablePin = 17; |
022 |
023 | volatile long encoderValue = 0; |
024 | long lastencoderValue = 0; |
025 |
026 | //Values for focus points |
027 | int inPoint; |
028 | int outPoint; |
029 |
030 | //value for variable speed |
031 | int speedValue = 1000; |
032 |
033 | //Values for Lens Calibration |
034 | int lowEndMark = -50000; |
035 | int highEndMark = 50000; |
036 |
037 | boolean lowEndSwitch = false ; |
038 | boolean highEndSwitch = false ; |
039 |
040 |
041 | //ON LED |
042 | #define onLed 12 |
043 |
044 | int mode; |
045 | #define Rewind 1 |
046 | #define Play 2 |
047 | // standBy mode is meant to enable changes in speed |
048 | #define standBy 3 |
049 | #define realTime 4 |
050 | #define Stop 5 |
051 | #define LENSCALIB 6 |
052 |
053 | AccelStepper stepper(1, easyDriverStepPin, easyDriverDirPin); |
054 |
055 | //Sleep Function - to disable ED when not active |
056 | long previousMillis = 0; |
057 | int sleepTimer = 5000; |
058 |
059 | // You will need to initialize the radio by telling it what ID it has and what network it's on |
060 | // The NodeID takes values from 1-127, 0 is reserved for sending broadcast messages (send to all nodes) |
061 | // The Network ID takes values from 0-255 |
062 | // By default the SPI-SS line used is D10 on Atmega328. You can change it by calling .SetCS(pin) where pin can be {8,9,10} |
063 | #define NODEID 16 //network ID used for this unit |
064 | #define NETWORKID 99 //the network ID we are on |
065 | #define GATEWAYID 15 //the node ID we're sending to |
066 | #define SERIAL_BAUD 115200 |
067 |
068 | //encryption is OPTIONAL |
069 | //to enable encryption you will need to: |
070 | // - provide a 16-byte encryption KEY (same on all nodes that talk encrypted) |
071 | // - to call .Encrypt(KEY) to start encrypting |
072 | // - to stop encrypting call .Encrypt(NULL) |
073 | uint8_t KEY[] = "ABCDABCDABCDABCD" ; |
074 |
075 | //int for incoming radio data |
076 | int a; |
077 | int sum; |
078 |
079 | //variables for outgoing radio data |
080 | char input = 0; |
081 | int data = 0; |
082 |
083 | // Need an instance of the Radio Module |
084 | RFM69 radio; |
085 | byte sendSize=0; |
086 | char payload[] = "1234567890:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ; |
087 | bool requestACK= false ; |
088 |
089 |
090 | void setup () |
091 | { |
092 | radio.initialize(FREQUENCY, NODEID, NETWORKID); |
093 | //comment this out to disable encryption |
094 |
095 | stepper.setMinPulseWidth(MinPulseWidth); |
096 | stepper.setMaxSpeed(speedValue); //variable to later determine speed play/rewind |
097 | stepper.setAcceleration(100000); |
098 | stepper.setSpeed(50000); |
099 |
100 | pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT); |
101 | } |
102 |
103 | void loop () |
104 | { |
105 | stepper.run(); |
106 |
107 | if (radio.receiveDone()) |
108 | { |
109 | lastencoderValue = encoderValue; |
110 | digitalWrite (enablePin, LOW); |
111 | previousMillis = millis(); |
112 |
113 | sum = 0; |
114 | for ( byte i = 0; i < radio.DATALEN; i++) |
115 | { |
116 | a = (radio.DATA[i]); |
117 | } |
118 | sum+=a; |
119 | dataSort (); |
120 | stepperMove(); |
121 |
122 | } |
123 | else |
124 | { |
125 | //Stepper sleep after 5sec of no data |
126 | unsigned long currentMillis = millis (); |
127 | if (currentMillis - previousMillis>sleepTimer) |
128 | digitalWrite (enablePin, HIGH); |
129 | } |
130 |
131 | switch (mode) |
132 | { |
133 |
134 | case standBy: |
135 | break ; |
136 |
137 | case Stop: |
138 | break ; |
139 |
140 | case realTime: |
141 |
142 | dataSort(); |
143 | stepperMove(); |
144 |
145 | break ; |
146 |
147 | case Rewind: |
148 | //take care of variable speed |
149 | stepper.setMaxSpeed(speedValue); |
150 | stepper.moveTo(inPoint); |
151 | stepper.run(); |
152 | digitalWrite (enablePin, LOW); |
153 | if (stepper.currentPosition()==inPoint) |
154 | { |
155 | Transmit (3); |
156 | mode=standBy; |
157 | } |
158 |
159 | break ; |
160 |
161 | case LENSCALIB: |
162 | highEndMark = 50000; |
163 | lowEndMark = -50000; |
164 | lowEndSwitch = false ; |
165 | highEndSwitch = false ; |
166 | mode = Stop; |
167 | break ; |
168 |
169 | case Play: |
170 | //take care of variable speed |
171 | stepper.setMaxSpeed(speedValue); |
172 | stepper.moveTo(outPoint); |
173 | stepper.run(); |
174 | digitalWrite (enablePin, LOW); |
175 | if (stepper.currentPosition()==outPoint) |
176 | { |
177 | Transmit (3); |
178 | mode=standBy; |
179 | } |
180 | break ; |
181 | } |
182 | } |
183 |
184 | void dataSort() |
185 | { |
186 |
187 | if (sum == 54) |
188 | { |
189 | inPoint = stepper.currentPosition(); |
190 | Transmit (1); |
191 | } |
192 | else if (sum == 55) |
193 | { |
194 | outPoint = stepper.currentPosition(); |
195 | Transmit (2); |
196 | } |
197 | else if (sum == 49) |
198 | { |
199 | encoderValue++; |
200 | } |
201 | else if (sum == 50) |
202 | { |
203 | encoderValue--; |
204 | } |
205 | else if (sum == 56) |
206 | { |
207 | lowEndMark = stepper.currentPosition(); |
208 | lowEndSwitch = true ; |
209 | Transmit (1); |
210 | } |
211 | else if (sum == 57) |
212 | { |
213 | highEndMark = stepper.currentPosition(); |
214 | highEndSwitch = true ; |
215 | Transmit (2); |
216 | } |
217 | else if (sum == 52) |
218 | { |
219 | mode = LENSCALIB; |
220 | } |
221 |
222 | else if (sum == 51) |
223 | { |
224 | mode = Stop; |
225 | } |
226 | else if (sum == 53) |
227 | { |
228 | //function to make Play or Rewind |
229 | defineDirection(); |
230 | } |
231 | else if (sum == 58) |
232 | { |
233 | speedValue -=30; |
234 | if (speedValue <100) |
235 | speedValue = 100; |
236 | } |
237 | else if (sum = 59) |
238 | { |
239 | speedValue+=30; |
240 | if (speedValue>5500) |
241 | speedValue = 6000; |
242 | } |
243 | } |
244 |
245 | void defineDirection() |
246 | { |
247 | if (stepper.currentPosition()!=inPoint) |
248 | { |
249 | mode = Rewind; |
250 | } |
251 | else if (stepper.currentPosition() == inPoint) |
252 | { |
253 | mode = Play; |
254 | } |
255 | } |
256 |
257 | void stepperMove () |
258 | { |
259 | int stepsPerRotaryStep = (motorStepsPerRev * easyDriverMicroSteps) / rotaryEncoderSteps; |
260 | int motorMove = (encoderValue * stepsPerRotaryStep); |
261 | if (mode==standBy) return ; |
262 | //Lens Calibration |
263 | if (motorMove >lowEndMark) |
264 | motorMove = lowEndMark; |
265 | if (motorMove<highEndMark) |
266 | motorMove = highEndMark; |
267 |
268 | stepper.run(); |
269 | stepper.setMaxSpeed(1000); |
270 | stepper.moveTo(motorMove); |
271 | } |
272 |
273 | int Transmit ( int data) |
274 | { |
275 | |
276 | radio.send(GATEWAYID, payload, sendSize+(data)); |
277 | radio.sleep(); |
278 | } |
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