символ -> кто помнит?

Зарегистрирован: 09.03.2014

    current_move_ptr->target_units[i] = 0.0;
    current_move_ptr->target_steps[i] = 0;
    current_steps[i] = 0;

отлаживаю чужой код

понимаю что почистить нужно

тут понимаю  забил нолями все переменки массива    


    current_steps[i] = 0;

но что обозначает 



кто помнит?

Зарегистрирован: 09.03.2014

и еще простые вещи

коэфициент ускорения меняемый подобрать всего-то но как написано...:-0

      master_axis_feedrate = feedrate = units_based_constants[(next_move_ptr->delta_steps[Z_AXIS]) ? FAST_Z_FEEDRATE : FAST_XY_FEEDRATE];

что-то я не догоняю

можете мне как чайнику эту конструкцию расписать

основная осевая скорость подачи1 будет равна

скорости подачи2 будет равна

единицей измерения массив (в нашем случае из миллиметров)

-> - не помню как правильно понять

из массива скорости подачи3 перебором из трех [0,1,2]

? - ???

холостой прогон по вертикали

: - ???

холостой прогон над поверхностию детали


мозг уже кипит


Зарегистрирован: 17.05.2014

Разименование указателя...

current_move_ptr - указатель на объект, который содержит два массива target_units и target_steps, чтобы добраться до них через указатель и используют ->

Зарегистрирован: 09.02.2013

гугл помнит. Первая http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%...
"Обращение к члену структуры"

Зарегистрирован: 09.03.2014

toly пишет:

Разименование указателя...

current_move_ptr - указатель на объект, который содержит два массива target_units и target_steps, чтобы добраться до них через указатель и используют ->

то есть просто

адрес на массив

блин чувствую понадобится весь синткасис ардуин работы с ардресами вспоминать & * ->

где можно почитать об адресах

Зарегистрирован: 17.05.2014

Это обычный С, почитайте про указатели и структуры...

Зарегистрирован: 09.03.2014

toc пишет:
гугл помнит. Первая http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8B_%D0%B2_C_%D0%B8_C%2B%2B "Обращение к члену структуры"

спасибо я понял

это чтоб получить гранд на разработку надо так через задницу простые вещи писать

этот товарищ управление 4-четырмя шаговыми моторами и 6-ю концевиками с разбором g-code кастрированного в

а теперь мы должны кричать браво и сопровождать бурными аплодисментами

в arduino c ATmeag168

путем плохо контроллируемого и плохо отлаживаемого программирования адресами

все так косячит

и все равно в конце концов перешел на 

arduino ATmega256

и о чудо вдруг сразу ног хватило


авнюк еще выложил и приложил фото якобы работающего станка XYZE сконцевиками джойстиками XYZ кнопкой включения дрели

да основную команду G1 X100 Y100 Z100 E100; он начал выполнять

в смысле моторы с дебило не устойчивым ускорением какими-то провалами и резким торможением начали крутиться

и в конце концов все эта хрень повисает стабильно

а что-то реальное доверить боюсь этому кодовому авну

вот и я теперь сказать могу

Можно на на маленькой Arduino Uno построить станок c ЧПУ?


Работать только не будет.

вот послушайте как выкручиваясь передачей адресов в программировании

Теряется суть Программного Управления - программа еле дышит и перекашивается, теряется возможность отладки.

Куда там управлять, - ей самой абы станок не убить.

косяки с вращением моторов вылезают вот послушайте?


как фам фото автора институтского?

Станок ArduinoUno редактор G-code для станокв с ЧПУ открыт.

Вот только концевиков X_MIN X_MAX Y_MIN Y_MAX дрелей не видно?

код есть пожалусто :)


код надо

на два дня развлечения :) 


потом прийдете к подобному где хоть ног хватает

все равно

и код полетит в мусорку






Зарегистрирован: 09.03.2014

нате вам чуток чудо кода

подпрогамки так сказать управления шаговыми 3-мя моторами по 3-ем проводам DIR STEP ENABLE

у меня вроде в 7 строк помещалось

почему у меня все работает?

// art100 to write 20140202 stepper motor 1 table for A3987 easydriver 2 pins------------------------------------
void step1(boolean dir1,int steps1,int msec1){
  digitalWrite(dir_Pin1,dir1);                // direction
  for(int i=0;i<steps1;i++){
    digitalWrite(stepPin1,HIGH);    delayMicroseconds(msec1);
    digitalWrite(stepPin1, LOW);    delayMicroseconds(msec1);
// stepper motor 2 laser for A3987 easydriver 2 pins------------------------------------
void step2(boolean dir2,int steps2,int msec2){
  digitalWrite(dir_Pin2,dir2);               // direction
  for(int i=0;i<steps2;i++){
    digitalWrite(stepPin2,HIGH);    delayMicroseconds(msec2);
    digitalWrite(stepPin2, LOW);    delayMicroseconds(msec2);
3-и ноги ENABLE тоже есть но общем логическом управлении в подпрограмму зачем совать? Можно вообще не пользовать Пусть моторы держут позицию

попытка так сказать неудвшегося разгона и торможения так сказать

причем важно мотор не поменяешь к его шагам 1.8градуса на шаг привязка жесткая


// All of the following must be
// volatile because they are being set and read in both the
// main routine and in the interrupt handler
volatile long step_counter[3];
volatile bool move_finished = true;
volatile long sequence_step_number;
volatile long sequence_total_steps;
volatile long sequence_steps_to_accelerate;
volatile long sequence_steps_accelerated;
volatile byte move_phase;
volatile long last_t;
volatile bool continue_move = false;
volatile bool inTimer1InterruptRoutine = false;

// Output/input registers and bitmasks
volatile uint8_t *step_output_reg[3];
volatile uint8_t step_bitmask[3];
volatile uint8_t *direction_output_reg[3];
volatile uint8_t direction_bitmask[3];
volatile uint8_t *enable_output_reg[3];
volatile uint8_t enable_bitmask[3];
volatile uint8_t *min_input_reg[3];
volatile uint8_t min_bitmask[3];
volatile uint8_t *max_input_reg[3];
volatile uint8_t max_bitmask[3];


volatile long arcAxis[3];
volatile long arcStep, arcF;
volatile unsigned char arcOldDominantAxis;
volatile char arcOldFollowingSign, arcDirectionXORValue, arcOctant;

void init_steppers()
  // Turn them off to start.


/*  // hack to open limit switches
  pinMode(X_MIN_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(X_MAX_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Y_MIN_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Y_MAX_PIN, OUTPUT);
  unsigned char step_pins[3] = { X_STEP_PIN, Y_STEP_PIN, Z_STEP_PIN };
  unsigned char dir_pins[3] = { X_DIR_PIN, Y_DIR_PIN, Z_DIR_PIN };
  unsigned char enable_pins[3] = { X_ENABLE_PIN, Y_ENABLE_PIN, Z_ENABLE_PIN };
  unsigned char min_pins[3] = { X_MIN_PIN, Y_MIN_PIN, Z_MIN_PIN };
 unsigned char max_pins[3] = { X_MAX_PIN, Y_MAX_PIN, Z_MAX_PIN };

  // Set up initial pointers to move queue - these will
  // be continuously rotated in operation
  current_move_ptr = &move_queue[0];
  next_move_ptr = &move_queue[1];

  // Use loop to set up axes to save memory (16K baby!)
  for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    // Precompute ports and bitmasks for output pins
    // to save time during interrupt routine
    getRegAndBitmask(&step_output_reg[i], &step_bitmask[i], step_pins[i], OUTPUT);
    getRegAndBitmask(&direction_output_reg[i], &direction_bitmask[i], dir_pins[i], OUTPUT);
    getRegAndBitmask(&enable_output_reg[i], &enable_bitmask[i], enable_pins[i], OUTPUT);
    getRegAndBitmask(&min_input_reg[i], &min_bitmask[i], min_pins[i], INPUT);
    getRegAndBitmask(&max_input_reg[i], &max_bitmask[i], max_pins[i], INPUT);

    // Set mode for output pins
    pinMode(step_pins[i], OUTPUT);
    pinMode(dir_pins[i], OUTPUT);
    pinMode(enable_pins[i], OUTPUT);
    pinMode(HOLD_PIN, INPUT);

    // Set mode for input pins (if applicable)    
    pinMode(min_pins[i], INPUT);
    pinMode(max_pins[i], INPUT);

    // Start at zero
    current_move_ptr->target_units[i] = 0.0;
    current_move_ptr->target_steps[i] = 0;
    current_steps[i] = 0;
  current_move_ptr->step_delay = 0;

// Get output/input register and bitmask for a given pin
void getRegAndBitmask(volatile uint8_t** reg, volatile uint8_t* bitmask, uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode) {
  uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin);
  *reg = (mode == OUTPUT) ? portOutputRegister(port) : portInputRegister(port);
  *bitmask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);  

void calculate_deltas(bool max_speed)
  float distance_squared = 0.0;
  unsigned char max_axis = 0;
  long max_axis_delta = 0;
  // Loop through axes calculating steps from units and finding deltas
  // and the largest axis (last two only applicable for linear moves)
  for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    float delta_units = abs(next_move_ptr->target_units[i] - current_move_ptr->target_units[i]);
    distance_squared += square(delta_units);
    next_move_ptr->target_steps[i] = next_move_ptr->target_units[i] * units_based_constants[i];
    long delta_steps = abs(current_move_ptr->target_steps[i] - next_move_ptr->target_steps[i]);
    next_move_ptr->delta_steps[i] = delta_steps;
    if (delta_steps > max_axis_delta) {
      max_axis_delta = delta_steps;
      max_axis = i;
    next_move_ptr->direction[i] = (next_move_ptr->target_steps[i] >= current_move_ptr->target_steps[i]);

  float feedrate, master_axis_feedrate, distance;

  feedrate = next_move_ptr->feedrate;
  if (next_move_ptr->move_type == MOVE_LINEAR) {
    // Max delta
    next_move_ptr->max_delta = max_axis_delta;
    // How long is the move?
    distance = sqrt( distance_squared );
    if (max_speed) {
      master_axis_feedrate = feedrate = units_based_constants[(next_move_ptr->delta_steps[Z_AXIS]) ? FAST_Z_FEEDRATE : FAST_XY_FEEDRATE];
      // Step delay will be calculate below (same calculation as for arc move)
    } else {
      master_axis_feedrate = ((float)max_axis_delta / units_based_constants[max_axis]) / distance * feedrate; // Feedrate in master (fastest) axis
      //master_axis_feedrate = 
      // Calculate delay between steps in microseconds.  this is sort of tricky, but not too bad.
      // the formula has been condensed to save space.  here it is in english:
      // (feedrate is in units/minute)
      // distance / feedrate * 60000000.0 = move duration in microseconds
      // move duration / master_steps = time between steps for master axis.
      next_move_ptr->step_delay = (unsigned int)(((distance * 60000000.0) / feedrate) / max_axis_delta);
  } else { // MOVE_ARC
    // Max delta (total steps) already calculated
    max_axis = I_AXIS;
    master_axis_feedrate = feedrate;
  if (next_move_ptr->move_type == MOVE_ARC || max_speed) next_move_ptr->step_delay = 60000000.0 / (feedrate * units_based_constants[I_AXIS]);
  // Calculate signed velocities for each axis - this will
  // be used to see if the current move can be continued without stopping
  // Start and end velocities are identical for linear moves
  // Note for arc moves this is only done for the K axis, the other two are calculated elsewhere
  char K;  //Dummy variables to shift indices for G18 and G19
  char L;
  if (current_move_ptr->move_type == MOVE_LINEAR){
  K = 3;
  L = 0;
  else{  //K and L are calculated to move only the K_axis for arcs
  K = 3 - planeSelection;
  L = K-1;
  for (unsigned char i = L; i < K; i++) {
    float scale_factor = ((float)next_move_ptr->delta_steps[i] / next_move_ptr->max_delta);
    if (!next_move_ptr->direction[i]) scale_factor = -scale_factor;
    next_move_ptr->start_velocity[i] = next_move_ptr->end_velocity[i] = scale_factor * master_axis_feedrate;
  // If any axis is out of tolerance for change in velocity from the current move, decelerate at end of current
  // move and accelerate into the next. If they are all within tolerance, continue in one smooth movement
  bool continueMove = true;
  for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    if (abs(current_move_ptr->end_velocity[i] - next_move_ptr->start_velocity[i]) >= units_based_constants[MAX_DELTA_V]) continueMove = false;
  next_move_ptr->continueMove = continueMove;
  next_move_ptr->accel_const = accel_const[max_axis];
  float steps_per_unit = units_based_constants[max_axis];
  // Calculate the number of steps it will take to accelerate to full speed
  // This is done as follows (assuming starting from rest):
  // v = total_distance/distance_master_axis * feedrate since if we are moving at say, 100mm/min in two axes, each individual
  // axis will be moving slower than this 
  // v = a * t
  // integrating: x = a * t * t / 2
  // substitute in first equation gives: x = v^2 / ( 2 * a )
  // x = steps / steps_per_unit (i.e. x_units, y_units, or z_units depending on which is dominant axis)
  // subsituting gives: steps = v^2 * steps_per_unit /  (2 * a)
  // but v is in units/min and a is in units/min/sec, so must multiply a by 60 to get units/min/min gives: steps = v^2 * step_per_unit / (120 * a)
  next_move_ptr->steps_to_accelerate = (long)floor(square(master_axis_feedrate) * steps_per_unit / ( 120 * units_based_constants[MAX_ACCEL] ));

// Enable steppers for linear movement
void enable_steppers_linear()
  // Enable steppers only for axes which are moving
  // taking account of the fact that some or all axes
  // may share an enable line (check using macros at
  // compile time to avoid needless code)
  fastDigitalWrite( enable_output_reg[X_AXIS], enable_bitmask[X_AXIS],
    (current_move_ptr->delta_steps[X_AXIS] == 0
    && current_move_ptr->delta_steps[Y_AXIS] == 0
    && current_move_ptr->delta_steps[Z_AXIS] == 0
    ) ? !ENABLE_ON : ENABLE_ON);
  fastDigitalWrite( enable_output_reg[Y_AXIS], enable_bitmask[Y_AXIS],
    (current_move_ptr->delta_steps[Y_AXIS] == 0
    && current_move_ptr->delta_steps[Z_AXIS] == 0
    ) ? !ENABLE_ON : ENABLE_ON);

  fastDigitalWrite( enable_output_reg[Z_AXIS], enable_bitmask[Z_AXIS],
    (current_move_ptr->delta_steps[Z_AXIS] == 0 ) ? !ENABLE_ON : ENABLE_ON );

// Enable steppers for arc movement
void enable_steppers_arc() {
  // Always enable both I and J steppers
  fastDigitalWrite( enable_output_reg[I_AXIS], enable_bitmask[I_AXIS], ENABLE_ON);
  fastDigitalWrite( enable_output_reg[J_AXIS], enable_bitmask[J_AXIS], ENABLE_ON);
  // Enable K stepper if there is any movement in K-axis (ie helical) - note this is pointless if it shares an enable line with either the X- or Y- axes
  fastDigitalWrite( enable_output_reg[K_AXIS], enable_bitmask[K_AXIS], 
    (current_move_ptr->delta_steps[K_AXIS] == 0) ? !ENABLE_ON : ENABLE_ON );

// Disable all steppers
void disable_steppers()
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    fastDigitalWrite( enable_output_reg[i], enable_bitmask[i], !ENABLE_ON);

// Set up Timer1 to be used to control stepping
void SetupTimer1()
  // Clear Timer1 Output Compare Match interrupt enable
  TIMSK1 = 0<<OCIE1A;
  // Settings - mode 8 (Clear Timer on Compare match), divide by 8 (thus 2MHz clock since system clock is 16MHz)
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 1<<WGM12 | 0<<CS12 | 1<<CS11 | 0<<CS10;

// Calculate Timer1 delay in microseconds
inline unsigned int Timer1Delay(unsigned int delay) {
  return delay<<1; // 2MHz clock, so multiply by two to get clock cycles for given delay

// Timer1 output compare match A interrupt vector handler
// send step pulses to motor controllers, do
// acceleration calculations, and advance move
// queue if done
    TCNT1 = 0;                                        //reset timer
  OCR1A = timer1LoadValue;                          //change timer value

  // Because we re-enable interrupts below, we must manually check
  // to prevent reentrancy if the routine takes too long
  if (inTimer1InterruptRoutine) return;
  inTimer1InterruptRoutine = true;
  // Enable interrupts - this is not normally a good
  // idea in an interrupt routine, but we want
  // to be interruptable so that any incoming serial
  // bytes do not get lost (if stepping gets delayed
  // a bit that is unfortunate, if we lose serial
  // data it's a disaster)
  boolean can_step = false;

  // Axis loop - note for arc moves only K axis moved in this way (to produce helical motion)
  // Of course it would be better to unroll this loop but there is no space for this
  char K;  //Dummy variables to shift indices for G18 and G19
  char L;
  if (current_move_ptr->move_type == MOVE_LINEAR){
  K = 3;
  L = 0;
  else{  //K and L are calculated to move only the K_axis for arcs
  K = 3 - planeSelection;
  L = K-1;
  for (unsigned char i = L; i < K; i++) {
    // Check ok to step - that we are not at the end position, and that (if applicable) the endstops have not been hit
    if (current_steps[i] != current_move_ptr->target_steps[i] && canStep(i, current_move_ptr->direction[i])) {
      can_step = true; // At least one axis still moving
      step_counter[i] += current_move_ptr->delta_steps[i];
      if (step_counter[i] > 0 ) {
        *step_output_reg[i] |= step_bitmask[i]; // Set step line high
        step_counter[i] -= current_move_ptr->max_delta;
        if (current_move_ptr->direction[i])
  // Movement in I and J axes for arc moves calculated here
  if (current_move_ptr->move_type == MOVE_ARC) {
    unsigned char arcDominantAxis = dominantAxisTbl[arcOctant];
    unsigned char arcFollowingAxis = 1 - arcDominantAxis + planeSelection;  //Added planeSelection to correctly pick the opposing axis for G18 and G19
    unsigned char signOctant = (arcDirectionXORValue == ARC_XOR_CLOCKWISE) ? arcOctant : 7 - arcOctant; // Need to reverse order of signs tables for counterclockwise
    char arcDominantSign = dominantSignTbl[signOctant] ^ arcDirectionXORValue; // XOR with 0xfe will invert sign from -1 to 1 or vice versa
    char arcFollowingSign = followingSignTbl[signOctant] ^ arcDirectionXORValue;
    char arcOctantSign = octantSignTbl[arcOctant];
    long arcDominantPos = arcAxis[arcDominantAxis];
    long arcFollowingPos = arcAxis[arcFollowingAxis];
    if (arcDominantSign == NEG) arcDominantPos = -arcDominantPos;
    if (arcFollowingSign == NEG) arcFollowingPos = -arcFollowingPos;
    // Correct test after dominant axis change (happens at 0, PI/2, PI, 3PI/2)
    if (arcDominantAxis != arcOldDominantAxis) {
      arcF += arcDominantPos - arcFollowingPos;
    // Correct test after change in sign of following axis (happens at PI/4, 3PI/4, 5PI/4, 7PI/4)
    } else if (arcFollowingSign != arcOldFollowingSign) {
      arcF += arcFollowingPos + arcFollowingPos;
    arcOldDominantAxis = arcDominantAxis;
    arcOldFollowingSign = arcFollowingSign;
    if (((arcF >= 0) && arcOctantSign == POS) || ((arcF < 0) && arcOctantSign == NEG)) { // Make diagonal step, so advance following axis
      arcF += arcFollowingPos + arcFollowingPos + 2;
      arcAxis[arcFollowingAxis] += arcFollowingSign;
      // Set direction line for following axis
#if INVERT_DIR == 1
      fastDigitalWrite(direction_output_reg[arcFollowingAxis], direction_bitmask[arcFollowingAxis], arcFollowingSign == NEG);
      fastDigitalWrite(direction_output_reg[arcFollowingAxis], direction_bitmask[arcFollowingAxis], arcFollowingSign == POS);

      // Check following axis not at limits and set step line high
      if (canStep(arcFollowingAxis, arcFollowingSign == POS))
        *step_output_reg[arcFollowingAxis] |= step_bitmask[arcFollowingAxis];
    arcF += arcDominantPos + arcDominantPos + 3;
    arcAxis[arcDominantAxis] += arcDominantSign;
    // Set direction line for dominant axiss
#if INVERT_DIR == 1
    fastDigitalWrite(direction_output_reg[arcDominantAxis], direction_bitmask[arcDominantAxis], arcDominantSign == NEG);
    fastDigitalWrite(direction_output_reg[arcDominantAxis], direction_bitmask[arcDominantAxis], arcDominantSign == POS);

    // Check dominant axis not at limits and set step line high
    if (canStep(arcDominantAxis, arcDominantSign == POS))
      *step_output_reg[arcDominantAxis] |= step_bitmask[arcDominantAxis];
    // Check for end of octant
    if ((abs(arcAxis[arcDominantAxis]) >= abs(arcAxis[arcFollowingAxis]) && arcOctantSign == POS)
      || (((arcDominantSign == POS) ? -arcAxis[arcDominantAxis] : arcAxis[arcDominantAxis]) <= 0 && arcOctantSign == NEG)) {
      arcOctant++;//(char)1 ^ arcDirectionXORValue;
      if (arcOctant == 8) arcOctant = 0;
      //if (arcOctant == -1) arcOctant = 7;
    arcStep++; // Increment arc steps
    if (arcStep < current_move_ptr->max_delta) can_step = true;
  // If all axes are where they need to be (or have all hit their limits) then the move is finished
  if ( !can_step ) {
    // Assume we have reached where we need to be
    current_steps[X_AXIS] = current_move_ptr->target_steps[X_AXIS];
    current_steps[Y_AXIS] = current_move_ptr->target_steps[Y_AXIS];
    current_steps[Z_AXIS] = current_move_ptr->target_steps[Z_AXIS];
    move_finished = true;

  // Begin acceleration calculations
  long delta_t = 0; // Must be initialised to zero! I wasted about three days not noticing this!
  // In acceleration phase
  if ( move_phase == MOVE_PHASE_ACCEL ) {
    // Calculate time from beginning of move (standstill) to now
    long t = timeOffset(sequence_step_number);
    // Subtract the last value for this to get the time interval for the next move
    delta_t = t - last_t;
    last_t = t;
    // Keep track of how many steps we have spent accelerating -
    // this will indicate when it is necessary to start decelerating
    // note it is not possible to use sequence_steps_to_accelerate because
    // we will not always reach full speed
    sequence_steps_accelerated = sequence_step_number;
    // Stop accelerating if we have reached the correct number of steps
    if (sequence_step_number >= sequence_steps_to_accelerate) {
      move_phase = MOVE_PHASE_CONST_VELOCITY;
  // In deceleration phase
  if ( move_phase == MOVE_PHASE_DECEL ) {
    long t = timeOffset(sequence_total_steps - sequence_step_number);
    delta_t = last_t - t;
    last_t = t;
  // Do we have another move queued up with all axis velocities within tolerance?
  float max_delta_v = units_based_constants[MAX_DELTA_V];
  if ( have_next_move && next_move_ptr->continueMove ) {
    // If so, add the steps in the queued move to the total for the sequence
    // if this has not yet been done, and set flag to continue move
    // if we have already started decelerating do not do so
    if (!continue_move && move_phase != MOVE_PHASE_DECEL) { // Do not do so if already decelerating - note this could be improved
      sequence_total_steps += next_move_ptr->max_delta;
      continue_move = true;
  // Check whether to start decelerating
  if ( move_phase != MOVE_PHASE_DECEL ) {
    // Check whether we are as close to the end of the sequence as we are from the start
    // now or when we stopped accelerating (whichever is earlier)
    if ( sequence_step_number >= ( sequence_total_steps - sequence_steps_accelerated ) ) {
      last_t = timeOffset(sequence_total_steps - sequence_step_number);
      move_phase = MOVE_PHASE_DECEL;
  // Calculate timer load value from delta t
  timer1LoadValue = Timer1Delay( max( current_move_ptr->step_delay, delta_t ) );

  // Write the step pins low again - the time taken for the
  // preceding calculations will be more than enough to
  // ensure that there has been a long enough high pulse
  *step_output_reg[X_AXIS] &= ~step_bitmask[X_AXIS];
  *step_output_reg[Y_AXIS] &= ~step_bitmask[Y_AXIS];
  *step_output_reg[Z_AXIS] &= ~step_bitmask[Z_AXIS];

  // If finished, start next move
  if ( move_finished ) {

    // Make sure queue not being modified by
    // main routine and then advance
    if (!move_queue_lock_main) advance_move_queue();

    // If the queue is locked by the main routine, we can't hang about
    // and wait for it as this would freeze up the whole system,
    // so we just wait until the next time the interrupt routine
    // is called and try again

  // Load new value into compare match register (disabling interrupts first)
  // Clear flag preventing re-entrancy
  inTimer1InterruptRoutine = false;

// Set up timer to make next move
// NOTE - it is very important that this is not called by
// the irq routine and the main code at the same time - therefore the locks
void advance_move_queue()

  // If there is a move waiting, start moving
  if (have_next_move) {
    // Signal that we are free to queue up another move
    have_next_move = false;

    // Rotate move queue;
    volatile Move *temp = next_move_ptr;
    next_move_ptr = current_move_ptr;
    current_move_ptr = temp;
    // Initialise counters
    step_counter[X_AXIS] = step_counter[Y_AXIS] = step_counter[Z_AXIS] = -(current_move_ptr->max_delta)/2;

    if (current_move_ptr->move_type == MOVE_LINEAR) {

      // Set direction pins
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
#if INVERT_DIR == 1
        fastDigitalWrite(direction_output_reg[i], direction_bitmask[i], !current_move_ptr->direction[i]);
        fastDigitalWrite(direction_output_reg[i], direction_bitmask[i], current_move_ptr->direction[i]);
    } else { // MOVE_ARC
      arcOctant = current_move_ptr->startOctant;
      arcOldDominantAxis = dominantAxisTbl[arcOctant];
      arcOldFollowingSign = followingSignTbl[arcOctant];
      arcAxis[I_AXIS] = current_move_ptr->arc_startPoint[I_AXIS];
      arcAxis[J_AXIS] = current_move_ptr->arc_startPoint[J_AXIS];
      arcF = current_move_ptr->initial_f;
      arcStep = 0;
      // A value is XOR-ed with the relevant sign values to quickly invert them for counterclockwise arcs
      arcDirectionXORValue = (current_move_ptr->arc_direction == ARC_CLOCKWISE) ? ARC_XOR_CLOCKWISE : ARC_XOR_COUNTERCLOCKWISE;
    // If we are not continuing a move
    // sequence, start a new one
    if (!continue_move) {
      move_phase = MOVE_PHASE_ACCEL;
      sequence_step_number = 1;
      sequence_total_steps = current_move_ptr->max_delta;
      sequence_steps_to_accelerate = current_move_ptr->steps_to_accelerate;
      sequence_steps_accelerated = 0;
      last_t = timeOffset(1); // Time for first step

      // Initial time
      timer1LoadValue = Timer1Delay( max( last_t, current_move_ptr->step_delay ) );
    // Otherwise reset continue move flag and continue with sequence
    } else continue_move = false;
    // Initialise flags and counters
    move_finished = false;
    // Load compare match register (must disable interrupts while doing so)
    OCR1A = timer1LoadValue;

    // Set Timer1 Output Compare Match interrupt enable
    TIMSK1 = 1<<OCIE1A;

    moving = true;
  } else { // Otherwise stop timer and disable steppers

    moving = false;

    // Clear Timer1 Output Compare Match interrupt enable
    TIMSK1 = 0<<OCIE1A;

    // Disable steppers - note this is not a problem with screw thread based drives,
    // but for pulley and belt systems there should really be a delay before disabling
    // steppers to allow the machine to settle, otherwise inertia will carry the
    // machine past the desired stop position


// Generate constants to be used in acceleration calculations
void calculateAccelConstants()
  for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    accel_const[i] = ( 1000000000000.0 / units_based_constants[i] ) * 2 / ( units_based_constants[MAX_ACCEL] / 60 );

// Calculate the time that it should take to reach a given step number during acceleration phase
long timeOffset(long s)
    return (long)(sqrt_approx(current_move_ptr->accel_const * s));
    //return (long)(sqrt(current_move_ptr->accel_const * s));

// Fast square root (approximation)
// written by John Carmack and appearing in Quake III source code (GPL)
// It seems no-one really knows how or why this works but it does
inline float sqrt_approx(float number) {
  // Note - these must be declared volatile or
  // else they will get optimised away and
  // the whole thing will break
  volatile long i;
  volatile float x, y;
  volatile const float f = 1.5F;

  x = number * 0.5F;
  y  = number;
  i  = * ( long * ) &y;
  i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // The magical constant of mystery
  y  = * ( float * ) &i;
  y  = y * ( f - ( x * y * y ) );
  //y  = y * ( f - ( x * y * y ) ); // Extra iteration not necessary
  return number * y;

// Compromise between speed and memory (could inline it but would take more space)
void fastDigitalWrite(volatile uint8_t* port, volatile uint8_t mask, boolean value) {
  if (value) *port |= mask; else *port &= ~mask;

// Not debounced - hope that's not going to be a problem
boolean canStep(unsigned char axis, bool direction) {
                  //Check pause button
               if(analogRead(START_PAUSE) > 512)
                if ( analogRead(MAX_MIN_PIN) < 850){
                  return false;
  if (!(*min_input_reg[axis] & min_bitmask[axis]) && !direction) return false;
  if ((*min_input_reg[axis] & min_bitmask[axis]) && !direction) return false;
  if (!(*max_input_reg[axis] & max_bitmask[axis]) && direction) return false;
  if ((*max_input_reg[axis] & max_bitmask[axis]) && direction) return false;

  return true;

void do_step(byte step_pin, byte dir_pin, byte dir)

        digitalWrite(dir_pin, dir);
	digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);


void disable_tools()
	//disable tools
        digitalWrite(TOOL_HEAD_PIN, LOW);

void enable_tools()
	//enable tools
        digitalWrite(TOOL_HEAD_PIN, HIGH);

void pause_code()

  if (analogRead(START_PAUSE)>512)

void manual_control()
  int limitswitch;
  byte stepperstatex = 0;   //used to store initial stepper state
  byte stepperstatey = 0;
  byte stepperstatez = 0;
  byte holdonow = 1;        //used to keep track of stepper state as it is turned off and on manually
  byte toolonnow = 0;      //used to keep track of tool state as it is turned off and on manually
  byte tool_head = 0;      //used to store initial tool head state
  unsigned long manualdelay0 = 60000000/(FAST_XY_FEEDRATE_MM*X_STEPS_PER_MM);
  unsigned long manualdelay = 60000000/(FAST_XY_FEEDRATE_MM*X_STEPS_PER_MM);
  unsigned long time1; //used to keep track of step delays due to inefficient code
  unsigned long time2;

  unsigned int xstepsave;  //used to store and calculate user input
  unsigned int ystepsave;
  unsigned int zstepsave;
  unsigned int tempstepsave;
  int multime;  //number of steps to take per cycle
  byte xdir;    //used to stor user direct input
  byte ydir;
  byte zdir;
  byte pinstep;

                           //Record stepper and tool head state
  stepperstatex = 1;
  stepperstatey = 1;
  stepperstatez = 1;
  if(digitalRead(TOOL_HEAD_PIN ))
  tool_head = 1;
  byte once = 0;
         if (once==0){
             //First time through, turn off tool head and set initial stepper delay knowing that it will never be used.
          time2 = micros();

          xstepsave = analogRead(X_LEFT_RIGHT);  //Record user input
          ystepsave = analogRead(Y_LEFT_RIGHT);
          zstepsave = analogRead(Z_UP_DOWN);
           limitswitch = analogRead(MAX_MIN_PIN);   //Check limit switches
          //Check manual direction buttons and limits
          if(xstepsave < 440 && (limitswitch < 344 || limitswitch > 424)){
          xstepsave = ((440-xstepsave)*100)/440;  //Turn pot value into a %
          xdir = HIGH;
          else if(xstepsave > 660 && limitswitch > 40){
          xstepsave = ((xstepsave-660)*100)/363; //Turn pot value into a %
          xdir = LOW;
          xstepsave = 0;   //No motion
          xdir = LOW;
          //Repeat for Y and Z
          if(ystepsave < 440 && ( limitswitch < 415 || limitswitch > 495)){
          ystepsave = ((440-ystepsave)*100)/440;
          ydir = HIGH;
          else if(ystepsave > 660 && ( limitswitch < 130 || limitswitch > 210)){
          ystepsave = ((ystepsave-660)*100)/363;
          ydir = LOW;
          ystepsave = 0;
          ydir = LOW;
          if(zstepsave< 440 && ( limitswitch < 472 || limitswitch > 552)){
          zstepsave = ((440-zstepsave)*100)/440;
          zdir = HIGH;
          else if(zstepsave> 660 && ( limitswitch < 252 || limitswitch > 332)){
          zstepsave = ((zstepsave-660)*100)/363;
          zdir = LOW;
          zstepsave = 0;
          zdir = LOW;
         //Caluculate the total number of steps to move based on the number of directions in motion
          if(xstepsave==0 && ystepsave==0 && zstepsave==0){
          else if(ystepsave==0 && zstepsave==0){
          else if(xstepsave==0 && ystepsave==0){
          else if(xstepsave==0 || ystepsave==0 ||zstepsave==0){
          else {
          //Turn step % into a concrete number of steps based on the total number of steps and the values of all axis.
          //Also make all values even to avoid stopping on a half step and creating a buzz from driver
          //This is fine since accuracy is not a concern in manual mode
          tempstepsave = (xstepsave+ystepsave+zstepsave+1);
          xstepsave = (xstepsave*multime*2)/tempstepsave;
          ystepsave = (ystepsave*multime*2)/tempstepsave;
          zstepsave = (zstepsave*multime*2)/tempstepsave;
          //Adjust delay between steps for how hard you are pressing all three directions
         manualdelay = (manualdelay0 * (200-tempstepsave*3/multime))/100;
        digitalWrite(X_DIR_PIN, xdir);        
        digitalWrite(Y_DIR_PIN, ydir);
        digitalWrite(Z_DIR_PIN, zdir);
        //Record the time delay since we last left the for loop
         time2 = micros() - time2;
         time1 = micros() + time2;
          for(int i=0; multime>i; i++){
           //Take the appropriate number of steps 
           //Note the use of POTRB to step the steppers 
           //This minimizes the delay between simultaneous steps per axis and the associated buzzing
           //This also means that the pin values defined in _init are not used for the step commands
           if( xstepsave>0){
             if( ystepsave>0){
               if( zstepsave>0){
                 pinstep = B010101;
                 pinstep = B010100;
             else if( zstepsave>0){
               pinstep = B010001;
               pinstep = B010000;
           else if( ystepsave>0){
               if( zstepsave>0){
                 pinstep =  B000101;
                 pinstep = B000100;
           else if( zstepsave>0){
             pinstep = B000001;
           else {

        PORTB = PINB | pinstep;
        PORTB = PINB ^ pinstep;

                    //Delay for stepper capabilities
          if (manualdelay - micros() + time1>= 16383)
		delay((manualdelay - micros() + time1)/1000);
           else if (manualdelay - micros() + time1 > 0)
		delayMicroseconds(manualdelay - micros() + time1);
          time1 = micros(); //Record time in between steps
          time2 = micros(); //Record time that we leave stepping loop

          //Check hold button and turn off stepper power if needed
          if(holdonow==1 && digitalRead(HOLD_PIN)==0){
          else if(holdonow==0 && digitalRead(HOLD_PIN)==1){
	  digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
	  digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
	  digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);  
          if(toolonnow==0 && digitalRead(TOOL_HEAD_SW_PIN)==1){
          else if(toolonnow==1 && digitalRead(TOOL_HEAD_SW_PIN)==0){

     if (once==1){   

   if(stepperstatex == 1)
   digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(X_ENABLE_PIN, LOW);
   if(stepperstatey == 1)
   digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(Y_ENABLE_PIN, LOW);
   if(stepperstatez == 1)
   digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(Z_ENABLE_PIN, LOW);
   if(tool_head == 1)

как вам секс?