Простой GPS трекер с отправкой HTTP URL координат через sim800l
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Пт, 24/07/2020 - 16:27
На тему в Проектах не тянет, но вдруг кому пригодится. Собран скетч "на коленке" за пару дней, старый заказчик попросил, часть кода с форума (ссылка есть) а часть с древнего проекта. Фото нет, схемы нет, поддержки и развития не будет, но работает - каждую минуту шлет координаты на сервер, на вопросы по возможности отвечу. Координаты так же выводятся на LCD 1602.
#include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>// include LiquidCrystal library LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 16, 2); // initialise the LCD 1602 I2C char dev_id[] = "Debug_Device"; // Широта и долгота double lat = 0, lon = 0; #include <avr\wdt.h> #include <avr\pgmspace.h> #include <EEPROM.h> //#define DEBUG_MODE #define GPS_RX 4 // пин RX на модуле подключаем к указаному пину на Ардуино TX #define GPS_TX 3 // пин TX на модуле подключаем к указаному пину на Ардуино RX #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial sgps(GPS_TX, GPS_RX); // установка контактовGPS_TX->RX и GPS_RX->TX для программного порта // http://arduino.ru/forum/obshchii/kak-postich-nepostizhimoe#comment-388080 // http://arduino.ru/forum/programmirovanie/parsing-nmea?page=1 // test line // $GPGLL,5511.32245,N,06119.48690,E,171507.00,A,A*7C char gprs_imei_code[65]; // full string for send char original_imei_code[20]; #define period_gprs_req 60000UL // 1 min unsigned long timer_gprs_req = 0; byte repeat601; byte firstStart; byte gprsON; #define max_size_pgm_buf 252 char pgm_buf[max_size_pgm_buf]; uint8_t mcusr_mirror __attribute__ ((section (".noinit"))); void get_mcusr(void) \ __attribute__((naked)) \ __attribute__((used)) \ __attribute__((section(".init3"))); void get_mcusr(void) { mcusr_mirror = MCUSR; MCUSR = 0; wdt_disable(); } #ifdef DEBUG_MODE #define reset_sim800_pin 4 // pin for reset modem #else #define reset_sim800_pin 2 // pin for reset modem #endif unsigned long current_millis; // main timer unsigned long timer_reg_modem = 0; // timer registration modem in net #define max_size_fixed_resp 16 // in work save 3 response from buf commands char resp1[max_size_fixed_resp]; char resp2[max_size_fixed_resp]; char resp3[max_size_fixed_resp]; // 3 parts response byte flresp1, flresp2, flresp3; // found parts of response #define max_size_resp_buf 248 // max size response buf from modem, then more than goodest char resp_buf[max_size_resp_buf]; // response buf from modem byte pos_buf = 0; // current pos response buf byte modem_step = 100; // current work mode mode in table of command // static steps: // 100 - delay 30 sec for registration modem in net // 101 - not wait response, wait incomming call or other commands const char at0cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT\r"; const char at1cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+DDET=1\r"; const char at2cmd[] PROGMEM = "ATE0\r"; const char at3cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CLIP=1\r"; const char at4cmd[] PROGMEM = "ATS0=0\r"; const char at5cmd[] PROGMEM = "ATV1\r"; const char at6cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CMEE=2\r"; const char at7cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CMGF=1\r"; const char at8cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CREG?\r"; const char at8resp1[] PROGMEM = "+CREG:"; const char at8resp2[] PROGMEM = ",1"; const char at9cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"\r"; const char at10cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CMGDA=\"DEL ALL\"\r"; const char at11cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CMGS=\""; const char at12cmd[] PROGMEM = "~sender~"; const char at13cmd[] PROGMEM = "\r"; const char at13resp1[] PROGMEM = ">"; const char at14cmd[] PROGMEM = "~textsms~"; const char at15cmd[] PROGMEM = "~ctrlz~"; const char at15resp1[] PROGMEM = "+CMGS:"; const char at16cmd[] PROGMEM = "ATA\r"; const char at16resp2[] PROGMEM = "NO CARRIER"; const char at17cmd[] PROGMEM = "ATH\r"; const char at18cmd[] PROGMEM = "\""; const char at19cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+CSQ\r"; const char at19resp1[] PROGMEM = "+CSQ:"; const char at19resp2[] PROGMEM = ","; const char at20cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+GSN\r"; // get imei const char at21cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"CONTYPE\",\"GPRS\"\r"; // gprs options const char at22cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",\"internet\"\r"; // gprs options const char at23cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"USER\",\"\"\r"; // gprs options const char at24cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"PWD\",\"\"\r"; // gprs options const char at25cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+SAPBR=1,1\r"; // start gprs const char at26cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+SAPBR=2,1\r"; // get info gprs const char at26resp1[] PROGMEM = "+SAPBR:"; const char at26resp2[] PROGMEM = ",1,"; const char at27cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+HTTPINIT\r"; // http init const char at28cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+HTTPPARA=\"CID\",1\r"; // cid http const char at29cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+HTTPPARA=\"URL\",\"http://mysite.ru:8888/gps/add.php?imei=~imei~"; // link const char at30cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+HTTPACTION=0\r"; // get status connection const char at30resp2[] PROGMEM = "+HTTPACTION"; const char at30resp3[] PROGMEM = ","; const char at31cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+HTTPREAD\r"; // load html page const char at32cmd[] PROGMEM = "AT+HTTPTERM\r"; // close http const char atOKcmd[] PROGMEM = "OK"; const char atOKRNcmd[] PROGMEM = "OK\r"; const char atNULLcmd[] PROGMEM = ""; const char at1status[] PROGMEM = "1"; const char at2status[] PROGMEM = "2"; const char at1step[] PROGMEM = "1"; const char at2step[] PROGMEM = "2"; const char at3step[] PROGMEM = "3"; const char at4step[] PROGMEM = "4"; const char at5step[] PROGMEM = "5"; const char at6step[] PROGMEM = "6"; const char at7step[] PROGMEM = "7"; const char at8step[] PROGMEM = "8"; const char at9step[] PROGMEM = "9"; const char at10step[] PROGMEM = "10"; const char at11step[] PROGMEM = "11"; const char at12step[] PROGMEM = "12"; const char at13step[] PROGMEM = "13"; const char at14step[] PROGMEM = "14"; const char at15step[] PROGMEM = "15"; const char at16step[] PROGMEM = "16"; const char at17step[] PROGMEM = "17"; const char at18step[] PROGMEM = "18"; const char at19step[] PROGMEM = "19"; const char at101step[] PROGMEM = "101"; const char at20step[] PROGMEM = "20"; const char at21step[] PROGMEM = "21"; const char at22step[] PROGMEM = "22"; const char at23step[] PROGMEM = "23"; const char at24step[] PROGMEM = "24"; const char at25step[] PROGMEM = "25"; const char at26step[] PROGMEM = "26"; const char at27step[] PROGMEM = "27"; const char at28step[] PROGMEM = "28"; const char at29step[] PROGMEM = "29"; const char at30step[] PROGMEM = "30"; const char at31step[] PROGMEM = "31"; const char at32step[] PROGMEM = "32"; const char * const str_at[] PROGMEM = { // record of AT commands at0cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at1step, at1cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at2step, at2cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at3step, at3cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at4step, at4cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at5step, at5cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at6step, at6cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at7step, at7cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at8step, at8cmd, at8resp1, at8resp2, atOKcmd, at1status, at20step, at9cmd, atOKRNcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at101step, at10cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at101step, at11cmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at12step, at12cmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at18step, at13cmd, at13resp1, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at14step, at14cmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at15step, at15cmd, at15resp1, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at101step, at16cmd, atOKRNcmd, at16resp2, atNULLcmd, at2status, at101step, at17cmd, atOKRNcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at101step, at18cmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at13step, at19cmd, at19resp1, at19resp2, atOKcmd, at1status, at101step, at20cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at21step, // get imei and go to 10 cmd - last cmd for init at21cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at22step, at22cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at23step, at23cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at24step, at24cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at10step, // end gprs options - go to 10 step - end init at25cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at2status, at26step, // start gprs at26cmd, at26resp1, at26resp2, atOKcmd, at1status, at27step, at27cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at28step, at28cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at29step, at29cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at30step, at30cmd, atOKcmd, at30resp2, at30resp3, at2status, at31step, // load html page at31cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at32step, at32cmd, atOKcmd, atNULLcmd, atNULLcmd, at1status, at101step, }; void getPgmBuf(byte idxPgmBuf) { const char * addrStroki = pgm_read_word_near((int)(str_at + idxPgmBuf)); strcpy_P(pgm_buf, addrStroki); } byte wait_response = 0; // 0-no wait response, wait ring or other command // 1-wait fixed response, if time more - reset modem #define period_fixed_wait 30000UL // max time for type 1 wait response // 2-wait response data or wait action user, if time more - clear command #define period_data_wait 30000UL // max time for type 2 wait response // Эта функция принимает символ из Serial и возвращает // указатель на полученную строку или NULL, если строка // ещё не получена. // Строка всегда начинается с $ и заканчивается \r или \n static const int MAX_LEN = 120; // 120 - максимальная длина строки - надо посмотреть правильное значение в описании протокола! char * getStrFromSerial(void) { static bool waitingForStrBegin = true; // истина, если мы ждём начала строки ($) static char strBuf[MAX_LEN]; // буфер для строки static int ptr = 0; // индекс свободного байта в буфере // Если буфер переполнился, печатаем сообщение и начинаем ждать новую строку if (ptr >= MAX_LEN) { ptr = 0; waitingForStrBegin = true; return NULL; } // Если в Serial ничего нет - выходим // А если есть, то читаем 1 символ if (!sgps.available()) return NULL; const char c = sgps.read(); // Если мы ждём начала строки, то сравинваем // прочитанный символ с '$', если равен - начало найдено if (waitingForStrBegin) { if (c == '$') { ptr = 0; strBuf[ptr++] = c; waitingForStrBegin = false; } return NULL; } // Если прочитанный символ - перевод строки или возврат каретки // то считаем, что строка закончилась. Возвращаем её, // а сами готовимся ждать новую. if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { strBuf[ptr] = '\0'; waitingForStrBegin = true; return strBuf; } // Просто записываем символ в строку strBuf[ptr++] = c; return NULL; } // Читаeм долготу и широту, складывает в lon и lat // Возвращает true, если прочитала и false если нет bool readLatLon(double & lat, double & lon) { // getStrFromSerial() вернёт строку, полученную из Serial // или NULL, если строка ещё пока не получена const char * str = getStrFromSerial(); // Если строка ещё не получена, выходим if (str == NULL) return false; // Если строка не начинается с "$GPGLL", // то она нам не нужна выходим const char * prefix = "$GPGLL"; if (strncmp(str, prefix, strlen(prefix))) return false; // Ищем первую запятую в строке str char * comma = strchr(str, ','); // Если не нашли (строка кривая пришла?) - выходим if (!comma) return false; // со следующего символа просле запятой идёт числоа - широта lat = atof(comma + 1); // Ищем вторую запятую после начала числа-широты comma = strchr(comma + 1, ','); // сначала ищем первую запятую if (!comma) return false; // почему-то не нашли :(((( comma = strchr(comma + 1, ','); // теперь ищем вторую запятую if (!comma) return false; // почему-то не нашли :(((( // со следующего символа просле запятой идёт числоа - долгота lon = atof(comma + 1); // Вроде всё return true; } void setup() { MCUSR = 0; wdt_disable(); lcd.init(); // put your setup code here, to run once: lcd.begin (16, 2); // define the LCD as 16 column by 2 rows lcd.backlight(); // switch on the backlight lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("no GPS"); sgps.begin(9600); // start gsm port Serial.begin(9600); // off led pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); pinMode(reset_sim800_pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(reset_sim800_pin, LOW); varInit(); // init start variable wdt_enable(WDTO_4S); // start WDT by 4 sec } void loop() { wdt_reset(); // reset WDT, without this, arduino reset after wdt time //delay(5000); // test wdt current_millis = millis(); // main timer // get http page if (((current_millis - timer_gprs_req) >= period_gprs_req) && (wait_response == 0) && (modem_step == 101)) { timer_gprs_req = current_millis; // reset timer gprs req // set mode load http page if (gprsON == 1) modem_step = 26; else modem_step = 25; } // modem work loadDataFromModem(); // load data mainLoopModem(); // main actions on modem // Читаем широту и долготу и если успешно прочитались, печатаем if (readLatLon(lat, lon)) { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(lat); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(lon); } } void varInit() { modem_step = 100; // first step = wait modem for registration on net wait_response = 0; // no wait response gprsON = 0; // - firstStart = 1; } void mainLoopModem() { // main action modem switch (modem_step) { case 100: { if ((current_millis - timer_reg_modem) >= 17000UL) { // wait 17sec registration modem // for test 10sec wait_response = 0; // do not response modem_step = 0; // go to init modem mode - first command } break; } case 101: { if (firstStart) { firstStart = 0; } if (pos_buf == 0) break; // no response // other find break; } default: { switch (wait_response) { case 0: { sendAtCommand(modem_step); // send command to modem break; } case 1: { if ((current_millis - timer_reg_modem) >= period_fixed_wait) { // if end timer wait response // we have problem - no correct response from modem resetModem(); } else { if (pos_buf == 0) break; // no response // action before find response, example long ussd if (findRespParts() == 1) { // need fixed response // good response from modem // other action on one item command switch (modem_step) { case 32: { // end http timer_gprs_req = current_millis; // reset timer gprs req // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf break; } case 27: { // httpinit gprsON = 1; repeat601 = 0; // go to next step after actions wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf break; } case 20: { // get imei byte sp1 = posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) "\r\n", 0); if (sp1 > 0) { if ((resp_buf[sp1 + 1] >= 0x30) && (resp_buf[sp1 + 1] <= 0x39)) { byte sp2 = posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) "\r\n\r\n", sp1 + 15); if ((sp2 >= (sp1 + 17)) && (sp2 <= (sp1 + 20))) { byte rzn = sp2 - sp1 - 2; for (byte i = 0; i <= rzn; ++i) { gprs_imei_code[i] = resp_buf[i + sp1 + 1]; } gprs_imei_code[rzn] = 0; strcpy(original_imei_code, gprs_imei_code); // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf break; } } } gprs_imei_code[0] = 0; // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf break; } default: { // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf } } } } break; } case 2: { if ((current_millis - timer_reg_modem) >= period_data_wait) { // if end timer wait response // no data or no user action // exit from command // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode } else { if (pos_buf == 0) break; // no response // read parts of sms or other commands or DTMF switch (modem_step) { case 25: { // start gprs if ((posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) "OK\r\n", 0) > 0)) { gprsON = 1; // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode break; } else if ((posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) "operation not allowed\r\n", 0) > 0)) { // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode break; } break; } case 30: { // send http req byte p1 = posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) "+HTTPACTION:", 0); if (p1 > 0) { if (posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) "\r\n", (p1 + 16)) > 0) { if (posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) ",601,", (p1 + 12)) > 0) { ++repeat601; if (repeat601 < 2) { // repeat send wait_response = 0; // do not wait response modem_step = 29; pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf break; } else { // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf break; } } else if (posSubStrFromPos(resp_buf, pos_buf, (char *) ",200,", (p1 + 12)) > 0) { // go to next step wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf break; } } } break; } default: { // go to next step after actions wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf } } } break; } default: { // go to next step after actions wait_response = 0; // do not wait response getPgmBuf(6 * modem_step + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // to next at command or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf } } } } if (pos_buf >= (max_size_resp_buf - 1)) { pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf resp_buf[pos_buf] = 0; } } void loadDataFromModem() { // load data from modem to buf - only one line (string) if (Serial.available()) { byte br; while (Serial.available()) { br = Serial.read(); if (br) { if (pos_buf >= (max_size_resp_buf - 1)) pos_buf = 0; resp_buf[pos_buf] = br; ++pos_buf; } } resp_buf[pos_buf] = 0; // stop byte of string } } byte findRespParts() { // find response parts in response buf byte countresp = 0, countgood = 0; if (resp1[0] > 0) { // exist response 1 ++countresp; if (strPos(resp_buf, resp1) >= 0) { flresp1 = 1; // found response 1 } if (resp2[0] > 0) { // exist response 2 ++countresp; if (strPos(resp_buf, resp2 ) >= 0) { flresp2 = 1; // found response 2 } if (resp3[0] > 0) { // exist response 3 ++countresp; if (strPos(resp_buf, resp3) >= 0) { flresp3 = 1; // found response 3 } } } } if (flresp1 == 1) { ++countgood; } if (flresp2 == 1) { ++countgood; } if (flresp3 == 1) { ++countgood; // calculate good response } if ((countresp > 0) && (countresp == countgood)) return 1; else return 0; } void sendAtCommand(byte numcmd) { // send at command if modem not busy // find key worlds getPgmBuf(6 * numcmd); if (posSubStrFromPos(pgm_buf, strlen(pgm_buf), (char *) "~imei~", 0) > 0) { pgm_buf[strlen(pgm_buf) - 6] = 0; // delete text ~imei~ strcpy(gprs_imei_code, original_imei_code); strcat(pgm_buf, dev_id); //strcat(pgm_buf, gprs_imei_code); // add other data #define len_str 11 // 5 до точки + 5 после точки + сама точка strcat(pgm_buf, "&ln="); char xxx[len_str + 1]; memset(xxx, 0, len_str + 1); dtostrf(lat, len_str, 5, xxx); strcat(pgm_buf, xxx); strcat(pgm_buf, "<="); memset(xxx, 0, len_str + 1); dtostrf(lon, len_str, 5, xxx); strcat(pgm_buf, xxx); // end line link strcat(pgm_buf, "\"\r\n"); Serial.print(pgm_buf); } else { Serial.print(pgm_buf); // send cmd from cmd buf by number cmd } timer_reg_modem = current_millis; // reset wait response timer // load response from command to buf getPgmBuf(6 * numcmd + 1); if (pgm_buf[0] == 0) { // no response resp1[0] = 0; resp2[0] = 0; resp3[0] = 0; // no response wait_response = 0; getPgmBuf(6 * numcmd + 5); modem_step = strToByte(pgm_buf); // go to next step or mode pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf return; // next loop } else { getPgmBuf(6 * numcmd + 1); byte i = 0; while ((resp1[i] = pgm_buf[i]) > 0) ++i; resp1[i] = 0; // save first response from buf at cmd getPgmBuf(6 * numcmd + 2); if (pgm_buf[0] == 0) { // no second response resp2[0] = 0; resp3[0] = 0; // no response 2 and 3 } else { byte i = 0; while ((resp2[i] = pgm_buf[i]) > 0) ++i; resp2[i] = 0; // save secont response from buf at cmd getPgmBuf(6 * numcmd + 3); if (pgm_buf[0] == 0) { // no thr response resp3[0] = 0; // no response 3 } else { byte i = 0; while ((resp3[i] = pgm_buf[i]) > 0) ++i; resp3[i] = 0; // save thr response from buf at cmd } } } getPgmBuf(6 * numcmd + 4); wait_response = strToByte(pgm_buf); // set wait resp from command buf flresp1 = 0; flresp2 = 0; flresp3 = 0; // clear result response pos_buf = 0; // clear response buf } char* LastPos(char *str1, char *str2) { // find substring in string int L1 = strlen(str1); int L2 = strlen(str2); for (int i = L1 - L2; i >= 0; i--) { int j = 0; for (; j < L2; j++) if ((str1[i + j] != str2[j])) break; if (j == L2) return str1 + i; } return 0; } int strPos(char *str11, char *str22) { // find position substring in string char*p = LastPos(str11, str22); int n = p - str11; return n; } byte strToByte(char *instr) { byte sl = strlen(instr); if (sl < 1) return 0; byte res = 0, i = 0; while (instr[i] > 0) { res += ((instr[i] - '0') * pow(10, (sl - i - 1))); ++i; } if (sl > 2) ++res; return res; } byte posSubStrFromPos(char *inBuf, byte maxPosBuf, char *subStr, byte resPos) { if (resPos >= maxPosBuf) return 0; while ((resPos < maxPosBuf) && (inBuf[resPos] > 0)) { byte isub = 0; if (inBuf[resPos] == subStr[isub]) { byte sslen = strlen(subStr); while (((resPos + isub) < maxPosBuf) && (inBuf[resPos + isub] > 0) && (isub < sslen)) { if (subStr[isub] != inBuf[resPos + isub]) break; ++isub; } if (isub >= sslen) { ++resPos; return resPos; } } ++resPos; } return 0; } void resetModem() { // reset modem pinMode(reset_sim800_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(reset_sim800_pin, LOW); delay(115); //digitalWrite(reset_sim800_pin, HIGH); pinMode(reset_sim800_pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(reset_sim800_pin, LOW); // new init modem and start new main loop timer_reg_modem = current_millis; // reset registration modem timer varInit(); // init - like first start device }
Строка 88 URL
Модем подключается к HW UART пины 0 и 1 МК
GPS модуль 3 и 4 пины
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