/* 4.5uA low power Oregon encoder with DHT AM2302/AM2330 sensor.
* Arduino pro mini 3.3v 8M. removed regulator + power led/resistor. Thats it. (enhanced version from Ebay)
* DHT:
* DHT sensonr connected to Arduino gnd, D2(vcc), D3(data).
* AM2320 is drop in replacement.http://www.kandrsmith.org/rjs/misc/hygrometers/calib_many.html
* AM2320 tested ok wit single bus. see datasheet for siglebus vs i2c: https://akizukidenshi.com/download/ds/aosong/AM2320.pdf
* AM2320 3 wire connection: vcc, data, nc, gnd. add 10k smd resistor on vcc to data.
* STX882 transmitter connectedto Arduino D7(gnd), D8(vcc), D9(data).
* Antena: Coil 17cm solid core wire around ø6mm screwdriver.
//| DHT AM2302, pin 1=vcc, 2=data, 3=not in use, 4=gnd
#include "DHT.h"
int DHT_Vcc_Pin = 3;
#define DHT_Data_Pin 2 // data
// Uncomment whatever DHT type you're using!
#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11 (whole numbers only)
//#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302), AM2321
//#define DHTTYPE DHT21 // DHT 21 (AM2301)
#define led 13
DHT dht(DHT_Data_Pin, DHTTYPE);
//| oregon transmitter
byte addresse = 10; // 0-255. sensor adress, will be shown in telldus.com.
const byte txGnd = 9;
const byte tx_Vcc_Pin = 8;
const byte TX_DATA_PIN = 7; //tx data pin
//#define THN132N //enbart termometer, ingen humidity. Modell:1A2D/EA4C
const unsigned long TIME = 512;
const unsigned long TWOTIME = TIME*2;
#define SEND_HIGH() digitalWrite(TX_DATA_PIN, HIGH)
#define SEND_LOW() digitalWrite(TX_DATA_PIN, LOW)
// Buffer for Oregon message
#ifdef THN132N
byte OregonMessageBuffer[8];
byte OregonMessageBuffer[9];
bool batOK = true;
int batCnt = 100;//batt counter. used to set when to check the battery. set to 100 to trigg at startup.
#include <JeeLib.h> // Include library containing low power functions
ISR(WDT_vect) { Sleepy::watchdogEvent(); } // Setup for low power waiting
const long sleeptime = 60000; // set to 60000, to get a minute cycle
int cyclesToSleep = 5; // set minute here(5 cycles)
int cycleCounter = 100; //low power counter, used to sleep more than one minute. set to 100 to trigg at startup.
void setup() {
//--- dht Setup ---------
pinMode(DHT_Vcc_Pin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
digitalWrite(DHT_Vcc_Pin, LOW); // sets power off
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // sets the LED off
//--- tx Setup ---------
pinMode(tx_Vcc_Pin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
digitalWrite(tx_Vcc_Pin, LOW); // sets power off
pinMode(txGnd, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
digitalWrite(txGnd, LOW);
pinMode(TX_DATA_PIN, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
Serial.print(F("\n[Oregon V2.1 encoder] Adress = "));
Serial.println(F("Low power 5uA. DHT AM2302. 5min intervall.)"));
//---- oregon setup---------------
#ifdef THN132N
// Create the Oregon message for a temperature only sensor (TNHN132N)
byte ID[] = {0xEA,0x4C};
// Create the Oregon message for a temperature/humidity sensor (THGR2228N)
byte ID[] = {0x1A,0x2D};
setType(OregonMessageBuffer, ID);
setChannel(OregonMessageBuffer, 0x20);
//setId(OregonMessageBuffer, 0xBB); //BB=187
} //end setup
void loop() {
if (cycleCounter>=cyclesToSleep){ //1minute x 5. = 5minutters intervall
sleep(sleeptime);//sleep for one minute, then wake up again.
} //end main loop
void getTempAndSend(){
//--- power on
digitalWrite(DHT_Vcc_Pin, HIGH); // sensor power
sleep(600); // (dht boot time=500ms)
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // LED
// Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
// Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
float h = dht.readHumidity();
// Read temperature as Celsius
float t = dht.readTemperature();
//--- power off
digitalWrite(DHT_Vcc_Pin, LOW); // sensor power
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // sensor power
digitalWrite(DHT_Data_Pin, LOW); // sensor pin low for 5uA low power. Unngår strømlekasje til vcc via motstand.
// Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
Serial.print("Humidity: ");
Serial.print(" %\t");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.println(" *C ");
send433(t,h,addresse);// temp,humidity,address
//----- sleep low power----------------------------------
void sleep(long milli){
Serial.flush(); //Waits for the transmission of outgoing serial data to complete
Sleepy::loseSomeTime(milli); //msecs Number of milliseconds to sleep, in range 0..65535.
//--- read battery every 10. syklus.
void checkBattery(){
if (batCnt>=10){
int vcc = readVccFixedLowPower();
Serial.print("Vcc = " );
batOK = (vcc >= 3300); //ok if over millivolt. use bool in tx send func.
//---------------- Send data to Telldus ----------------------------
void send433(float temperature, byte humidity, byte Identitet) {
digitalWrite(tx_Vcc_Pin, HIGH); // sets the LED on
// Get Temperature, humidity and battery level from sensors
// (ie: 1wire DS18B20 for température, ...)
setId(OregonMessageBuffer, Identitet); //BB=187
// setBatteryLevel(OregonMessageBuffer, 1); // 0 : low, 1 : high
setBatteryLevel(OregonMessageBuffer, batOK); // 0 : low, 1 : high
setTemperature(OregonMessageBuffer, temperature); //org setTemperature(OregonMessageBuffer, 55.5);
#ifndef THN132N
// Set Humidity
setHumidity(OregonMessageBuffer, humidity);
// Calculate the checksum
// Show the Oregon Message
for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(OregonMessageBuffer); ++i) { Serial.print(OregonMessageBuffer[i] >> 4, HEX);
Serial.print(OregonMessageBuffer[i] & 0x0F, HEX);
// Send the Message over RF
sendOregon(OregonMessageBuffer, sizeof(OregonMessageBuffer));
// Send a "pause"
// Send a copie of the first message. The v2.1 protocol send the
// message two time
sendOregon(OregonMessageBuffer, sizeof(OregonMessageBuffer));
digitalWrite(tx_Vcc_Pin, LOW); // sets the LED on
// ---------- End send data till Telldus ---------
* \brief Send logical "0" over RF
* \details azero bit be represented by an off-to-on transition
* \ of the RF signal at the middle of a clock period.
* \ Remenber, the Oregon v2.1 protocol add an inverted bit first
inline void sendZero(void) {
* \brief Send logical "1" over RF
* \details a one bit be represented by an on-to-off transition
* \ of the RF signal at the middle of a clock period.
* \ Remenber, the Oregon v2.1 protocol add an inverted bit first
inline void sendOne(void) {
* Send a bits quarter (4 bits = MSB from 8 bits value) over RF
* @param data Source data to process and sent
* \brief Send a bits quarter (4 bits = MSB from 8 bits value) over RF
* \param data Data to send
inline void sendQuarterMSB(const byte data){
(bitRead(data, 4)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
(bitRead(data, 5)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
(bitRead(data, 6)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
(bitRead(data, 7)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
* \brief Send a bits quarter (4 bits = LSB from 8 bits value) over RF
* \param data Data to send
inline void sendQuarterLSB(const byte data) {
(bitRead(data, 0)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
(bitRead(data, 1)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
(bitRead(data, 2)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
(bitRead(data, 3)) ? sendOne() : sendZero();
* \brief Send a buffer over RF
* \param data Data to send
* \param size size of data to send
void sendData(byte *data, byte size){
for(byte i = 0; i < size; ++i)
* \brief Send an Oregon message
* \param data The Oregon message
void sendOregon(byte *data, byte size){
sendData(data, size);
* \brief Send preamble
* \details The preamble consists of 16 "1" bits
inline void sendPreamble(void)
byte PREAMBLE[]={0xFF,0xFF};
sendData(PREAMBLE, 2);
* \brief Send postamble
* \details The postamble consists of 8 "0" bits
inline void sendPostamble(void)
#ifdef THN132N
byte POSTAMBLE[]={0x00};
sendData(POSTAMBLE, 1);
* \brief Send sync nibble
* \details The sync is 0xA. It is not use in this version since the sync nibble
* \ is include in the Oregon message to send.
inline void sendSync(void)
* \brief Set the sensor type
* \param data Oregon message
* \param type Sensor type
inline void setType(byte *data, byte* type)
data[0] = type[0];
data[1] = type[1];
* \brief Set the sensor channel
* \param data Oregon message
* \param channel Sensor channel (0x10, 0x20, 0x30)
inline void setChannel(byte *data, byte channel)
data[2] = channel;
* \brief Set the sensor ID
* \param data Oregon message
* \param ID Sensor unique ID
inline void setId(byte *data, byte ID)
data[3] = ID;
* \brief Set the sensor battery level
* \param data Oregon message
* \param level Battery level (0 = low, 1 = high)
void setBatteryLevel(byte *data, byte level)
if(!level) data[4] = 0x0C;
else data[4] = 0x00;
* \brief Set the sensor temperature
* \param data Oregon message
* \param temp the temperature
void setTemperature(byte *data, float temp)
// Set temperature sign
if(temp < 0)
data[6] = 0x08;
temp *= -1;
data[6] = 0x00;
// Determine decimal and float part
int tempInt = (int)temp;
int td = (int)(tempInt / 10);
int tf = (int)round((float)((float)tempInt/10 - (float)td) * 10);
int tempFloat = (int)round((float)(temp - (float)tempInt) * 10);
// Set temperature decimal part
data[5] = (td << 4);
data[5] |= tf;
// Set temperature float part
data[4] |= (tempFloat << 4);
* \brief Set the sensor humidity
* \param data Oregon message
* \param hum the humidity
void setHumidity(byte* data, byte hum)
data[7] = (hum/10);
data[6] |= (hum - data[7]*10) << 4;
* \brief Sum data for checksum
* \param count number of bit to sum
* \param data Oregon message
int Sum(byte count, const byte* data)
int s = 0;
for(byte i = 0; i<count;i++)
s += (data[i]&0xF0) >> 4;
s += (data[i]&0xF);
if(int(count) != count)
s += (data[count]&0xF0) >> 4;
return s;
* \brief Calculate checksum
* \param data Oregon message
void calculateAndSetChecksum(byte* data)
#ifdef THN132N
int s = ((Sum(6, data) + (data[6]&0xF) - 0xa) & 0xff);
data[6] |= (s&0x0F) << 4; data[7] = (s&0xF0) >> 4;
data[8] = ((Sum(8, data) - 0xa) & 0xFF);
/***************** End send 433 *************************************************/
long readVccFixedLowPower() {
long result;
// Read 1.1V reference against AVcc
ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1);
delay(1); // Wait for Vref to settle
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Convert
while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
result = ADCL;
result |= ADCH<<8;
result = ( 1023L * 1100L) / result; // Back-calculate AVcc in mV. 1100 is volt on vRef.
//to fix lowpower drain ADMUX is changed again.
ADMUX = _BV(REFS1); //fixes readVcc current drain in lowPower
Serial.print("Vcc = " );
return result;
В порт выводит данные влажности и температуры и адрес передатчика (вот только не пойму а для чего он нужен? Его нужно куда-то вставить?)
Просканировал все каналы Орегона 388, но не ловит(( Правда при первом подключении передатчика к ардуино я перепутал DATA и VCC местами( может погореть передатчик? Еще пробовал с другим передатчиком но тоже не ловит(
Помогите, подскажите... Как настроить ...
Проверил передатчик/приемник на мигание светодиодом. Не работает(((
Наверное все таки сгорел передатчик(
На супергетеродинном передатчике/ приемнике RX470-4 светодиод мигал.
И снова здрасти. А в ответ тишина.....
Нашел на просторах интернета эмулятор датчика https://www.instructables.com/Wireless-Arduino-Solar-Powered-Temperature-and-Hum
В порт выводит данные влажности и температуры и адрес передатчика (вот только не пойму а для чего он нужен? Его нужно куда-то вставить?)
Просканировал все каналы Орегона 388, но не ловит(( Правда при первом подключении передатчика к ардуино я перепутал DATA и VCC местами( может погореть передатчик? Еще пробовал с другим передатчиком но тоже не ловит(
Помогите, подскажите... Как настроить ...
Проверил передатчик/приемник на мигание светодиодом. Не работает(((
Наверное все таки сгорел передатчик(
На супергетеродинном передатчике/ приемнике RX470-4 светодиод мигал.
Basoil Спасибо!
Комплектующие уже заказал. Какой датчик температуры и влажности в схеме?
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